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New raids...

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So, don't get me wrong a 20min cooldown is outrageous. But this new raid option where the same raiders are coming back 3-5 times in 15mins is kind of messed up. I mean my bases aren't the easiest to get into without C4, or a torch and I can generally defend it pretty well. But allowing as many raiders as the party allows  to constantly raid (even before my props comeback from being torched) is kind of crazy. 


Also, there is no way to know if your base is still being raided since you never know how many people/who is involved. Yet again raising an issue of coming back "too early" so you break NLR by going near your base.... 


Would almost be better if there was a "raid-ee" cooldown instead of a "raider" cooldown. Meaning each player can only be raided once per 15mins. Potentially being shown in a new !raidmenu?




Anal Avenger -    14.7 mins

Some Guy -        Can Be Raided

That other guy - 12 mins


If that's even remotely possible... Thoughts?

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The NLR bubble was removed for a reason. I personally thought it was broken and not only that but our current map is small enough I dont think we want a good amount or even chunk of the map to be blocked off due to a NLR bubble. And besides it lagged the server I dont see a point in adding it back to just add some extra lag but you know its up to Sugar of course.

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I'ts not a need for an NLR Bubble, there just needs to be a way for players to know if their base is being raided or not. 



Q: How do I know if the people who raided my base are done? 

A: They type "/advert over"  Who is "they."


Q: Who is raiding my base + who is assisting?

A: How do I know whose name to look for in chat if I don't know who is raiding my base....


Q: Can i just go back? 

A: Apparently not, I'm supposed to wait forever untill I 100% know they left my base. 

Since going back in during a raid, or going near my base to check is breaking NLR.


It's not a bitch thread where I'm crying saying "I don't like getting raided." It's a thread to show that the raid system is now definitely ProRaider not 50/50.

Before we could atleast look and see !raidmenu to see who is currently raiding and wait till we see an "over" message, and hope it was the ones raiding our base...

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This new raid system is fine. If you die in a raid, you don't come back


And remember not to raid the same person over and over again. 


Other than that, raiders are here to test your overall gun skills, and base building defence.


Make an amazing base if you want to survive. All black outs, with crouching, and crouch jumping mixed is OP. Plus, make almost everything fence. Then, you got your one see through prop to shoot at the raider. 


Pretty simple.

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Well, if someone can raid you with no cool down why would you have a cool down/nlr time to go back it's very hard to understand.


There is no NLR time to go back. Just don't resume raiding the guy. You can go back, but if you start shooting up let's say a shop after you died in a raid; You're breaking the rule of constantly raiding the same person.


What could be understood from this is that you died in the raid on a shop. When you come back, you want to buy a gun. That's perfectly fine.

That is how I build my bases.... but when there are 6 people raiding your base, you kill say 3, you die, then see one message saying "over." theres no way to actually know if it is your base without going back.


The thing about going back to your base. One of the best ideas is cameras. Check if people are still in there with a camera. If a raid group killed you and said over eventually, they probably mean your base.


Also you can pm that group if they're done raiding your base or not.


Or, you can stand outside your base, and see if you can use voice chat to detect if they're in the area, like your base.

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