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Ban Appeal


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Why were you banned or warned?

"Extended to Perm for Yahya | ALT"

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

My account isn't an alt. I'm unsure why the admin thought it was an alt. I understand I only have 82 hours in the game but I don't play this game that often and only get in 2-3 day stints of wanting to play it. I mainly play PlayStation games since that's what I can play with my friends. I think the admin just misunderstood that since I don't play a lot, I must be an alt. I don't know how I am supposed to prove I am not an alt, maybe my market transactions? The ban was made with speculation so I assume the appeal must be made with a level of assumption too. Thanks for your time.

Who warned/banned you?


How long were you warned or banned for?



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Hi there, 

I literally have no clue why you got banned I might've got the wrong steamid in the leaderboard or something and I would like to apologize for that this is the first time it happens to me. 

I'll try to be more vigilant when it comes to perma an alt and double check.

Sorry for that pal 



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