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Instead of feedback run by someone who honestly has questionable motives, Id rather have the community appoint someone with a more known reputation that is nonstaff to gather opinions. (just like how a company would hire a 3rd party  to gather employee satisfaction.) While feedback may be true, the medium used and person who is running this is a complete question to me which impacts the validity of these concerns. Moreover, the concerns gathered here are concerns that were already discussed or ongoing issues that are spread all over the forums. I dont really see any new feedback.


In addition to no new feedback, I also dont see any solutions. Not that I expect one person to suggest the perfect solution to any one specific issue but if you have a problem with something, then I would expect at least some piece of information that may guide either myself or others in charge to shape or change the game or community in a way that YOU (person w concern) find acceptable.

Edited by Crabroll
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The problem there in lies that the same complaints have been consistent for a while and no action had fixed it, The complaints lodged wanted the staff team to be either reformed or scrapped completely. Furthermore it only tracks that there were complaints against the staff, and the same staff turns around and goes "well we are not the problem, its all a skill issue". or, "I have no clue why they are complaining abt this, I did no such thing." furthermore it is interesting that after more and more staff interact with this forum, suddenly hate speech, homophobia and slurs have started coming into the poll.

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Personally, I think there's a huge issue with the current staff apps. If you go and look at how staff apps used to be on the forums and then look at the Discord apps, there was a HUGE change in how easy it was to apply. I think it should either be changed back or somehow implement the difficulty of the previous apps on Discord. I think increasing the difficulty of the staff apps will drastically help reduce both the amount of the staff as well as the quality of who is being accepted.

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hi top dog tene here to give my input on the raiding complaints

if u dislike staff members because they are good at the game you should self-reflect on what ur trying to accomplish by saying they should not be staff. staff rank has nothing to do with individual player skill (see users Dev1, shoebill, mild tsunami etc etc for proof). making your complaint about the staff team ''this guy is too good and him and his group raid everyone'' is a hollow point to make, as even if he got demoted (which i assume the complainers want), he will still be raiding everyone and basing with his group. I dont see how any point on terry is valid in this or why it was even mentioned, since theyre complaints on gameplay and not staffing. 

the complaint about 1 base having all the ents is something we ourselves have acknowledged, and we have literally suggested reducing max numbers of people in a base down to 3 or 4, which FORCES our group to divide and raid eachother, but it seems you guys (the losers) dont want this change. of course the top group with the oldest/best players will have all of the servers entities, just raid our base!!! 
I have literally made guides on how to raid our base in industrial, and me and terry have both taught the newgen basing group HOW TO RAID and HOW TO DEFEND!! There is no knowledge gap! its pure skill! what is your complaint!!  
If EVERYONE is losing their entities to us, why doesnt EVERYONE raid us back, since raiding is so OP it should be easy!! 

solution to ur terry problem is to buff raiding or simply practice/get better. ''oh but u have a super op cc'' our ccs give us guns and a jumpswep. supplier can give u guns and a jumpswep, the difference is that we respawn with it and you dont, that doesnt mean u cant just buy the same weapons we use in our raids and raid us one time.

i didnt read ur other shit cause it seems equally as shallow, every complaint is followed by no suggestion to fix/change/improve, making it void.

(top dog tene opinion on the raiding complainers)

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3 minutes ago, Sae said:

Personally, I think there's a huge issue with the current staff apps. If you go and look at how staff apps used to be on the forums and then look at the Discord apps, there was a HUGE change in how easy it was to apply. I think it should either be changed back or somehow implement the difficulty of the previous apps on Discord. I think increasing the difficulty of the staff apps will drastically help reduce both the amount of the staff as well as the quality of who is being accepted.

I agree with this heavily. 

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4 minutes ago, Sae said:

Personally, I think there's a huge issue with the current staff apps. If you go and look at how staff apps used to be on the forums and then look at the Discord apps, there was a HUGE change in how easy it was to apply. I think it should either be changed back or somehow implement the difficulty of the previous apps on Discord. I think increasing the difficulty of the staff apps will drastically help reduce both the amount of the staff as well as the quality of who is being accepted.

+1 when they were discussing the change i was for some reason the only smod that disagreed, legerbs took my side somewhat but every single admin + smod + superadmin all said it was a good change. i brought up how it just lowers the quality of staff members and they brought up how it increases quantity so it solves the issues (i disagree with this and think it makes more).

due to the limited amount of characters a discord title can have that is why the questions are so easy, but im not sure why they dont make it a template or something that players who want to apply copy paste into the application bot after opening an application thread. /shrug i think it should get reverted or staff apps should be more difficult in the sense of questioning, as there are only 2 questions (very very open ended) to judge someones staffing ability off of with the new staff apps. 

see: skibidi toilet staff app pre-ironfish1 for proof of this..

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