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28 minutes ago, Sae said:

It would be even better if you didn't have to be staff for your word to actually matter around here.

it would be even better if everyone took gmod as seriously as it should be. a game from 2006 🙂

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Hold up i gotta post the super hot takes bc this is a direct convo between players and admins.

"Burn down the staff team and start new"x 3


"Rebuild staff team. Get rid of the corruption and give the community more say in shit. This is suppose to be a game yet it's run like a dictatorship. Get rid of staff that have long ban/warn histories (if youre over 10 on either, why are we allowing that..?), perhaps raise the overall age needed to even get staff (16+ minimum instead of 14 for fucks sake), and actually make staff deal with shit and not be biased against players."


"Basing is impossible when there is one closed group that raids every base and hogs entities all day and night. Spectate/terry/first mate cookie/tene etc. nobody can base when they are online which is basically 24/7. There is no competing group to mitigate them so they just dominate basing in the server to the point where it’s dead unless you’re in the group." and i KNOWWW yall are gonna jump on this one but it is a serious factor in player retention so there is some merit to it.


"There needs to be more actual community involvement. It feels like staff are put first and the community second. Absolutely ridiculous that it feels like I have to watch my every move and word or else I'll be banned for who knows what..."


"Trash staff/Abusive staff, Staff that do not do their jobs very much, and no content for people who have played for a long time."


"rules less vague. becoming staff shouldnt be so easy. staff in general need reform "

Q. "Whats the problem with admins?" (paraphrase)

"Hivemind" on staff


"Ironfish is definitely the biggest issue. He definitely needs to be removed from his position. He abuses his position to bully the community into submission."


"blatant homophobia...transphobia...racism...staff abuse... and biased actions by staff ( covering for their friends while punishing people they dont like in an unfair manner that doesnt fit the crime done if any is done at all )"

"staff team bias and rule changes that effect other people and not the staff itself(raiding rules)"


"Ironfish1 and his cronies"


"Higher staff are extremely corrupt and do things to ensure that their own asses are saved but do absolutely nothing for the actual community. Between blatanly disregarding literal pedophilic comments while people they DIDN'T like got community removed, there are also staff members who are biased to any kind of toxicity and will often allow racism, extreme sexism,homophobia and transphobia, because to them, it's "funny" and "shouldn't be taken so seriously" or told you need thicker skin. I think this is a very poor POV for someone in any staff position to have, let alone those who quite literally run the server. "


"Ironfish1 and his hand picked staff goons | Terrry the toxic baser |"


"High level admin megalomania (Ironfish1) | ownership (KDawg + rubik) that ignores the community's concerns about said high level abuse | The shift from random fun to a focus on exp grinding | The "Fortniteication" of TitsRP | Karen level complainers being overly coddled | "




ETC ETC. In summary, it appears as though there are many allegations and complaints against ironfish specifically and other admins for unsavory actions, no evidence has been submitted but regardless if these are true or not something is VERY wrong to have this many people complaining about staff in general. It may be time to clear the quagmire of staff, update staff requirements or reinstate previously demoted staff. Furthermore it seems as though this might be the time to have a lil community pow-wow and figure out the bs of the server.

I would enjoy it if yall would discuss it in this thread, just dont drama monger and get my thread closed.

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And I quote "and i KNOWWW yall are gonna jump on this one but it is a serious factor in player retention so there is some merit to it. ".

YES it can be a skill issue, but in the context of the state of TITSRP, I mean fuck. what can a solo do against super buffed CC's with leone and speed boots?


Edited by wolf2297
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22 minutes ago, wolf2297 said:

Hold up i gotta post the super hot takes bc this is a direct convo between players and admins.

"Burn down the staff team and start new"x 3


"Rebuild staff team. Get rid of the corruption and give the community more say in shit. This is suppose to be a game yet it's run like a dictatorship. Get rid of staff that have long ban/warn histories (if youre over 10 on either, why are we allowing that..?), perhaps raise the overall age needed to even get staff (16+ minimum instead of 14 for fucks sake), and actually make staff deal with shit and not be biased against players."


"Basing is impossible when there is one closed group that raids every base and hogs entities all day and night. Spectate/terry/first mate cookie/tene etc. nobody can base when they are online which is basically 24/7. There is no competing group to mitigate them so they just dominate basing in the server to the point where it’s dead unless you’re in the group." and i KNOWWW yall are gonna jump on this one but it is a serious factor in player retention so there is some merit to it.


"There needs to be more actual community involvement. It feels like staff are put first and the community second. Absolutely ridiculous that it feels like I have to watch my every move and word or else I'll be banned for who knows what..."


"Trash staff/Abusive staff, Staff that do not do their jobs very much, and no content for people who have played for a long time."


"rules less vague. becoming staff shouldnt be so easy. staff in general need reform "

Q. "Whats the problem with admins?" (paraphrase)

"Hivemind" on staff


"Ironfish is definitely the biggest issue. He definitely needs to be removed from his position. He abuses his position to bully the community into submission."


"blatant homophobia...transphobia...racism...staff abuse... and biased actions by staff ( covering for their friends while punishing people they dont like in an unfair manner that doesnt fit the crime done if any is done at all )"

"staff team bias and rule changes that effect other people and not the staff itself(raiding rules)"


"Ironfish1 and his cronies"


"Higher staff are extremely corrupt and do things to ensure that their own asses are saved but do absolutely nothing for the actual community. Between blatanly disregarding literal pedophilic comments while people they DIDN'T like got community removed, there are also staff members who are biased to any kind of toxicity and will often allow racism, extreme sexism,homophobia and transphobia, because to them, it's "funny" and "shouldn't be taken so seriously" or told you need thicker skin. I think this is a very poor POV for someone in any staff position to have, let alone those who quite literally run the server. "


"Ironfish1 and his hand picked staff goons | Terrry the toxic baser |"


"High level admin megalomania (Ironfish1) | ownership (KDawg + rubik) that ignores the community's concerns about said high level abuse | The shift from random fun to a focus on exp grinding | The "Fortniteication" of TitsRP | Karen level complainers being overly coddled | "




ETC ETC. In summary, it appears as though there are many allegations and complaints against ironfish specifically and other admins for unsavory actions, no evidence has been submitted but regardless if these are true or not something is VERY wrong to have this many people complaining about staff in general. It may be time to clear the quagmire of staff, update staff requirements or reinstate previously demoted staff. Furthermore it seems as though this might be the time to have a lil community pow-wow and figure out the bs of the server.

I would enjoy it if yall would discuss it in this thread, just dont drama monger and get my thread closed.

One thing that always confuses me about these complaints that are copy paste the same every time, there's never proof, and I literally can not fix something I do not know I am doing wrong. If I am ever straying from the guidelines or rules then report me or let me know, I'd be more than happy to fix it. But I can't fix an issue that I do not have. There's also a lack of transparency when it comes to who received SMod and how. I can assure you, there is no hand picking going on, unless it's for admin and that's done by the Super Admins.

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