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Requesting a verbal for RDA


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Why were you banned or warned?

i was warned for "RDA"

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

to summarize, i was warned for enforcing laws that were considered to be "fail". i don't believe that i should be given another full warning for RDA, considering that my last warning for RDA was in may and the fact that the mayor was not punished for having the fail laws, to begin with at all. i am also able to quote the punishment guidelines where RDA says "Accidental: Usually a verbal warning would be given unless it could have obviously been avoided." this could have been avoided if the mayor was brought the moment that the laws were added, but nobody seemed to care until i started to arrest people for breaking the laws in question. for all the reasons that i've stated above, i request that my warn be lowered to a verbal/note on my record.

Who warned/banned you?


How long were you warned or banned for?

 throughout the sit,  the staff in question didn't follow proper procedure (as far as i know), they never checked my past warns/notes or even tried giving me a chance to have a verbal instead. i was also told that if i wanted to stop the mayor from having fail laws, i would have to call an unfun on them (?????????), i find this extremely confusing as unfuns/revolts are used for roleplay purposes, similar to demote. i do not understand having to unfun someone for rulebreaking laws and then having to wait 10-20 minutes to do it again once it fails.


screenshots attached below





Edited by r
adding screenshots and more context
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i would also like to add that RDA stands for "Random/False Arrest". my arrest was not random nor false, as i had a valid reason to arrest the person due to them breaking a law. the law in question was "Law #7: Running around on the streets is AOS, Resisting is KOS"

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