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Why were you banned or warned?

there was a bank robber leader in bank who never adverted his bank raid i wen into bank as serial killer and kidnapped someone unaware of he raider who was also in there and the guy i kidnapped reported me for failRaid where beefcertain warned me

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

i just think i shouldn't be punished for not bowing and not informed of something that there was no way of me knowing without the advert

Who warned/banned you?


How long were you warned or banned for?

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Hey Mammoth, i believe kidnapping someone does not mean that you are starting a raid


Activities that are considered raid-starters include lockpicking/breaking doors (This is an exception for PD raids, where you can take down doors to let your buddies free off of jail, but if you get caught be a cop you cant defend yourself since you are not actually raiding), destroying props, stealing/breaking money-making entities (Procs, Printers, Bitminers, Meth Equipment, Lootboxes.etc) and more, but i don't believe kidnapping someone would constitute to starting a raid


having said this, we sadly don't judge appeals or reports based on word of mouth, if you have any sort of evidence to back that this has indeed happened it would help out a lot 😄

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I was told by the warning staff member that what you claim happened is not true, instead, aparently you tried killing a bank heist leader that was raiding bank, idk if you succeeded or not but you aparently broke NLR on the same bank heist leader by trying to kill him again and got reported by him

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4 hours ago, GoatNuts said:

I was told by the warning staff member that what you claim happened is not true, instead, aparently you tried killing a bank heist leader that was raiding bank, idk if you succeeded or not but you aparently broke NLR on the same bank heist leader by trying to kill him again and got reported by him

Does this staff member have logs or video to show this?

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Alright, since this is a game of he said she said with no evidence from any party, i'm going to go ahead and go with +1 for warn removal


I'll be suggesting additions to the staff team that would lower the chance of a situation like this from happening where no one has evidence, specially the staff member

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