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Glaze Report

Jondar BearFist

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Your Steam Name: Jondar Bearfist



Your ingame name: Jondar


Your Steam Profile/SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169249569/ STEAM_0:1:104491920


Who are you reporting? Glaze 


Reasons why you are reporting: Glaze abused his powers by being biased and kicking Big Papi Savage  (STEAM_0:1:104491920) and almost myself without letting us explain. What happened was Savage got stuck on my head and tried to get unstuck with a prop he spawned until he realized he couldn't prop push himself off so he got himself off by repeatedly crouch jumping and eventually got himself unstuck. Before all of this another player by the name of Volt... was prop climbing over the same area and I reported him to Dictator Panda and got him kicked. In the process of him doing this he gravity gunned two boxes of Opium that was just conveniently over the same wall/fence he was stuck on. When he got unstuck we saw these boxes and we took them and left and in the process of doing so the residents of the home (We didn't realize this when we took them) started shooting at us. In the fear of getting RDM'd Savage and I ran with the boxes into the tunnel into spawn so we could sell the opium. After we sold the opium Glaze conducted a sit with only Savage and not myself and not 4 seconds after without letting him explain he kicked Savage and forced him to lose a lot of items. The items he lost were a full base in the suburbs 3 printers (He told me 2 were fully upgraded and the only one was partially upgraded) 2 bitcoin machines and a processor. I base with him but I also base next to him in the gas station to the immediate right of his base because I was a silent at the time and I used it to store my victims. When Glaze kicked Savage I confronted him and he pulled me on top of the three-two room apartments and he barely let me explain what happened before he kicked him and he almost kicked me just because he thought I deserved it (I might've said I did in the midst of my fiery). After I explained what happened he semi agreed what happened but then he went back to the whole just because the block was placed there and it looked like propblock I kicked him rant he kicked him for. Also, in the middle of the sit with Glaze and I, he kicked a thief for literally just pointing a physics gun laser at him, but that's irrelevant. After I got done explaining what happened I asked for at least a half refund of what Savage lost when he got back. I didn't want the refund for myself I specifically said to give it to Savage in which Glaze repeatedly denied giving him a 50% refund of what he lost.  



http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=693332753  (Where Volt.. Lived)


http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=693332872 (Where Savage and I lived)


(I didn't get any screenshots in the heat of the moment, but I screens-shotted where myself and Savage lived and where Volt... lived. 

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I was online when this happened, I'm sure Sugar won't mind going through logs and find the times where he was kicked and brought.


The date was: May 28th - Yesterday.

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No evidence of what happened, just pictures of bases. Hopefully someone steps forward with evidence to support either side.


As for refunds, staff are not supposed to give them, as stated in the Moderation Guidelines. It is their desicion to give refunds, but it would be out of their money. Only Superadmins can spawn themselves money.

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In the future, just type kill in the console or call an admin to get unstuck. That's why I got suspicious of propclimb. A) Because it was halfway up the fence, B) You could've just typed kill in the console.


http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=693631026 < Where the block was placed


And I kicked the guy after pushing him away 2 times and giving him a clear warning in OOC.



And you didn't ask for a refund, you tried to threaten me to get a refund.


And I let you tell your story lmao.


You literally said "I should be punished for this" when you talked to me.

a n d  n o w  y o u ' r e  w i t c h  h u n t i n g  m e




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No evidence of what happened, just pictures of bases. Hopefully someone steps forward with evidence to support either side.


As for refunds, staff are not supposed to give them, as stated in the Moderation Guidelines. It is their desicion to give refunds, but it would be out of their money. Only Superadmins can spawn themselves money.


I agree with President on this one...

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From the looks of it, you guys both saw where you went wrong and agreed that you were partially wrong.


Glaze kicked your friend because he thought Papi was prop climbing. The sit between Papi an Glaze lasted for just about two minutes so I have no clue what went down during that time but I would of assumed your friend couldn't explain himself 100% or Glaze jumped the gun and went with the "No, I saw it with my own eyes, you're wrong" type of deal.


Glaze (STEAM_0:1:59593082) ulx kick Glaze (STEAM_0:1:59593082) used tool 'ulx kick' on a 'Papi Propclimb' Sat, May 28 2016 at 3:05:07 PM

Glaze (STEAM_0:1:59593082) ulx bring Glaze (STEAM_0:1:59593082) used tool 'ulx bring' on a 'big papi' Sat, May 28 2016 at 3:03:11 PM


While mistakes happen here and there, they seem to be becoming more and more apparent. People are getting banned and kicked because Staff have the mentality that "If I see part of the action, I know that what they are doing is 100% not justified and they must be punished"


One thing that Glaze is right about is that staff cannot refund. Staff are volunteers that play the game, they do not have the ability to spawn in money. When a mistake like that happens and it's clearly in the staff members fault such as this event, then the staff member SHOULD give you something. Things like server crashes and what not, we cannot help with unless I am on.


What bugs me a bit is that a thief actually did get kicked for "physgunning the sit"


Glaze (STEAM_0:1:59593082) said: '// keep flashing your physgun towards my sit and you're getting kicked'

Glaze (STEAM_0:1:59593082) Glaze (STEAM_0:1:59593082) said: '!kick Ninja Intefering with a sit' Sat, May 28 2016 at 3:13:56 PM


How in the world would shooting a blue laser "interfere" with a sit. There are so many other things you could of done..


Kinda disappointed in you Glaze. Stuff like this isn't okay, take precaution before you kick / ban people. Don't be the guy to get demoted for thinking you're above the rules or the guy who waves his ban hammer and kick stick around because he can. Being a staff member isn't hard but you guys surely do go out of your way to make it seem like rocket science.


If you still want to play on this server, I can refund you and your friend, just PM me when you're online. Glaze will have have a pretty big strike on his account.

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