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Make it so that you cannot become the Mayor's Assassin anywhere inside the PD (or within a certain range of the Mayor)


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I think this one is pretty straight forward. I've seen (and had it happen to me a few times) that a Mayor has strict office access laws, a cop enters legitimately. and finally that same cop changes to Mayor's Assassin behind a door. Where's the skill or fairness in that? The Mayor's Assassin job is about using stealth and cunning to gain access to the PD. Being able to change to Mayor's Assassin in the PD or right next to the Mayor defeats that entire purpose in my opinion.

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+1  This would be great for the server due to a lot of features being added that try to prevent the user from accidentally breaking the rules, if a zone is created in the PD that doesnt allow that job to be assigned to a player then a lot of FailRP sits and punishments would be avoided. 

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10 hours ago, Lavender said:

that's why it's against the rules

I understand it's against the rules (tbh, I learned that when I saw your reply)  However as it currently plays out, the risk/reward factor heavily tilts in the rule breaker's favor.



Here's what I mean by that.



What does the rule breaker have to lose by breaking this rule? A FailRP warn? A single rdm ban at worst? What do they gain? The Mayor they want out of office is no longer in office and their only punishment is a slap on the wrist warn.



What does the victim lose? Obviously they lose out on being Mayor. By the time they make a sit about it, a new Mayor may have already been elected. If the victim wants to get the Mayor job back, they have to hope that the incumbent Mayor has a short term AND go through the election process again (that has 0 guarantees of victory).



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2 hours ago, BearPaws said:

Becoming the mayors assassin should respawn you or teleport you to spawn, similar to how becoming the sewer monster respawns you in the sewers.

BearPaws is spot on, this would both alleviate having staff looking into sits regarding the rule being broken and also prevent the class from being so easily capable of fulfilling its role by switching classes/jobs inside the mayors office.



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