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Non-Lethal Rifle

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Quality of Life


Description: The non-lethal rifle has the issue of the CP can just shoot someone who is unknowing (Let's call him X


Let's take a break from the description and describe a situation.


 X now shoots CP. CP calls RDM due to doing zero damage to X. Staff's hands are tied in this spot as X has a reason to believe that CP was trying to kill him, but Staff knows that X misunderstood the situation with a reason for believing that he was about to be killed, and that CP was going for this response (Like the "say my name" bit when the user is named "End Me"- for example's sake). Staff could now let X off with a verbal. Now nothing stops CP from shooting more players, asking to be killed by doing so, all Staff can do to CP chalk it up to abuse of the job. (More or less, CP is just being an asshole, but that's not against the rules.) 


This is a potential outcome of the current version of the nonlethal rifle. Now back to the description.


To mend this, have the rifle only affect wanted person(s) that should limit CP from just shooting. That or make it against the rules to just shoot randomly as CP


How to reproduce: Be CP, use the Non-Lethal M4 on someone.


Priority: Low

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have the rifle only affect wanted person(s) that should limit CP from just shooting. That or make it against the rules to just shoot randomly as CP


Personally I first slow them then want them because it's easier to click on them.

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