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Civil Protection Time Requirement


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Yes this suggestion would "solve" to some degree a specific group of people who come on , jump on a cop and start mrdming. But, as Coba said, there are so many ways for you to get a gun and MRDM if you really wanted to. The other most popular way is to become gun dealer and buy a fuck ton of weapons and start spraying. We even have many people as citizens, buy guns from the gun shops in spawn and come out of spawn to MRDM. So with that logic, should be have a time limit before someone can become citizen? 


Other thing is, this sort of change also effects those who are new and not here to rdm. What if they are a experience darkrp player who is looking to play as a cop on a new server? I would think they will come on, see theres a timer/level requirement, and just hop over to the next server. 


Yes sits were taking a touch long to be accepted but can anyone claim that sit times haven't been getting shorter and shorter? I believe this current staff team is doing a great job taking every sit when it pops up. I dont see anyone really slacking when they are on the server. As we continue to rebuild/grow the staff team, we will only get faster and faster. So until I see plausible solutions, I am -1 for this change.


In regards to rda, if u get cuffed by a new player whos sole purpose is to cuff and mess with people and u actually get caught by them, that sounds like a skill issue... (Joke)

Edited by Crabroll
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21 minutes ago, cobaselic said:

Oh man there is a level/time limit on cop, what am I ever gonna do? Switches to gun dealer, hitman, mafia, king, guard, the plethora of other jobs that have weapons. If people are gonna RDM or abuse, there are plenty of other jobs to do it on. Are we gonna put a block on every job with a weapon?

As not only staff but an admin, this is a really shitty take, and a very fucking black/ white view.  I would expect someone who deals with the sits of these situations (or maybe not, who am I to know?) to want some sort of small block up on high RDM jobs. Yes, there are many jobs with weapons. MANY. But, there are also a lot more jobs that do not, or smaller grade weapons that won't do as much damage and give people who aren't expecting it a fighting chance.


Regardless of that though, why don't you want to see progress on a server you staff on? Every single reply here is +1 towards the idea of putting a certain few that are used the most for RDM to have a very minor block. My question to you, sir, is why you don't want to see it implemented. There's very few reasons why a STAFF member wouldn't want to deal with more rdm than one needs to, and all options I can think of are really shitty.


And why NOT put up a block on every very high RDM job?? What goes wrong?? People who like to rdm as those jobs specifically don't join as often/ at all and we lose a few shitty players?? Doesn't seem like an issue to me...

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15 minutes ago, Crabroll said:


Yes sits were taking a touch long to be accepted but can anyone claim that sit times haven't been getting shorter and shorter? I believe this current staff team is doing a great job taking every sit when it pops up. I dont see anyone really slacking when they are on the server. As we continue to rebuild/grow the staff team, we will only get faster and faster. So until I see plausible solutions, I am -1 for this change.

You mean when sits ARE taken? There's some staff who are really good at getting on very important sits like MRDM, and some have literally verbally passed it onto others because they "didn't feel like it" (won't be naming names, but you know who you are). Sit times are only good if sits are taken.

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If you think sits are such a big problem, then shouldn't we fix that issue first before trying to implement a change that can hinder player experience? This is a forum for discussion, I have brought up some thoughts and concerns and instead of even trying to address them you give me a thumbs down and just say that staff suck. ?? We both want the same thing and U know how fast I take sits and how many I take in a row.


And if you know of staff who are active and actively avoiding taking sits or "verbally passed it onto other" then you should bring it to smod's attention so that it can be handled. 

Edited by Crabroll
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9 minutes ago, Crabroll said:

If you think sits are such a big problem, then shouldn't we fix that issue first before trying to implement a change that can hinder player experience? This is a forum for discussion, I have brought up some thoughts and concerns and instead of even trying to address them you give me a thumbs down and just say that staff suck. ?? We both want the same thing and U know how fast I take sits and how many I take in a row.

You're attacking like this is a personal attack. It's not. Like you said, this is a forum discussion, and I never ONCE said staff suck. I JUST said how some staff are really good at getting on important sits like MRDM because they're actively paying attention to the server they staff for. I don't even have an opinion on your staffing personally because I haven't really interacted with you. If you truly are doing all of this (again, I don't know you well enough or seen action in chat to say whether or not this is true but hey if it is, good on you and we need more like you. My opinion on the matter stays the same, though.


Also that shit literally happens all the time but god forbid I try and bring it to attention, I get fucking attacked for it and called a cry baby and shit. If you guys truly want change (again, not you personally, this is a general statement to the players and staff of TitsRP), don't attack people who actually report shit and try to make the server a better place, because eventually, people either stop caring or they get tired of being ignored.

Edited by TheRealHex
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Hex, I am being so objective it is painful for me to even have to type this out. I am attempting to understand where the server needs more help because you have brought up two separate issues. One being people come on to MRDM and the second being staff dont take sits. To the first concern, I have said what i said and all i am saying is i dont get why you thumbs down when you did not address my concerns. But if you want to thumbs down, by all means go for it. Second, I am saying I do not agree with what you said about staff because we had a meeting yesterday and I have also seen with my own eyes most sits being taken. 


In regards to your concern of staff not taking sits, our standard procedure is for this sort of issue to be brought up to an smod. If smods are not responding to your concerns when you supply evidence of staff taking sits, then that is an even bigger issue. No one here has attacked you or called you any names. 


If you are not trying to push for the message that "Staff suck and some dont do their job and dont do sits" then you may want to reword your statements. 


If you found offence to the way I type, I apologize but this is after years of writing papers and if it sounds cold, it is not meant to be, it is just pure objectivism. 


If you feel I have said something wrong, feel free to DM on discord and we can discuss it there, this is going to be my last reply to you regarding this on this thread. 🙂

Edited by Crabroll
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58 minutes ago, TheRealHex said:

As not only staff but an admin, this is a really shitty take, and a very fucking black/ white view.  I would expect someone who deals with the sits of these situations (or maybe not, who am I to know?) to want some sort of small block up on high RDM jobs. Yes, there are many jobs with weapons. MANY. But, there are also a lot more jobs that do not, or smaller grade weapons that won't do as much damage and give people who aren't expecting it a fighting chance.

People sell high powered weapons in gun stands. A gun dealer can give themself plenty of high powered weapons in the blink of an eye. The King's Guard's sword does a ridiculous amount of damage. I may be staff, I may be an admin, but I am also a player. From a players perspective, if I join a server and see that the jobs are stuck behind level/time requirements, I leave. From a staff perspective, it is very easy to deal with someone that joins a police job to abuse it. We have a !cpban function, we can kick players, we can warn players, and we can ban players. The shitty take that I'm seeing is "I don't like it when I get killed by some random as a cop, so we should hinder every player that ever joins from actually using it if they want to, even if they are going to follow the rules.".

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1 hour ago, cobaselic said:

Oh man there is a level/time limit on cop, what am I ever gonna do? Switches to gun dealer, hitman, mafia, king, guard, the plethora of other jobs that have weapons. If people are gonna RDM or abuse, there are plenty of other jobs to do it on. Are we gonna put a block on every job with a weapon?

Which of these jobs can cuff freely and can RDM mayors on a whim because they have free access to the PD? Sure, you can RDM as other jobs but that's not the only issue with new players becoming CP. Being randomly cuffed or arrested is so much more annoying to me than RDMed.

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1 hour ago, TheRealHex said:

Regardless of that though, why don't you want to see progress on a server you staff on? Every single reply here is +1 towards the idea of putting a certain few that are used the most for RDM to have a very minor block. My question to you, sir, is why you don't want to see it implemented. There's very few reasons why a STAFF member wouldn't want to deal with more rdm than one needs to, and all options I can think of are really shitty.

It would not be progress, it would be hindering the experience of the server. If we put a block on this, someone will make a thread in 2 months and go "I know we put a block on cop, but now people are MassRDMing as hitman. I want that blocked too!". It's a very slippery slope, one day we're gonna end up not allowing gun stands because it allows people to buy a weapon and MassRDM. This is a Garry's Mod DARKRP server. RDM is going to happen. I'm sorry. If it isn't done by a cop, it will be done by the 30 other jobs we have that give you a weapon by default. You are not going to deal with less sits by blocking the job. That is a very black/white, and also completely incorrect view of the situation. You will deal with the exact same amount of sits, just with players using a different job. If people join the server to MassRDM, they will do that.

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1 minute ago, Sae said:

Which of these jobs can cuff freely and can RDM mayors on a whim because they have free access to the PD? Sure, you can RDM as other jobs but that's not the only issue with new players becoming CP. Being randomly cuffed or arrested is so much more annoying to me than RDMed.

So the issue is the cuffs and having keys to the PD, not the RDM? It's very annoying to be cuffed by some random for no reason, I agree. But that's what we have sits for. We can very easily unarrest you and cpban whoever is RDA'ing. As for the "they can kill the mayor because they have keys!" side, idk make dupes? Make laws that prevent that? Most mayors make a "all cops must show arrest batons or KOS" type of law specifically for that reason. And plenty of mayors get RDM'd by players that aren't using a police job.

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