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Half dmg CC's


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So, like a lot of other nerd boy anime simps. I love me some anime girl CC models, however a lot of them do half dmg even if they have 100 hp. So unless I contact someone/find a private dealer i'm taking a big risk buying models. I've burned myself several times before I even knew this was a thing. 


It would be super helpful if you could see which ones do full dmg, and which one's don't. Save myself and others a bunch of money. I'm fine with having some just for the RP, but that half dmg is poopie if someone attacks me, or if I decide to take gods work into my own hands. 


Thanks doodz!



  • crybaby -1 2
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Spending anywhere from $1 mil to $35 mil and then finding out the model is absolutely useless in any PVP situation sucks.

A lot of the time it doesn't even make sense because some of these half damage models are full body height.

There absolutely should be a warning if a model does half damage or has lower HP.


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