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Should the kingdom be moved to the side?

Ivory Partnaite

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I've played as the king many times and the structure in front of the portal gets in the way, I've taken a poll in-game to see how many people agree and it won by five.


I think everything in the area of the kingdom should be moved to the side to get rid of the giant brick structure. It takes most of the room in the kingdom that could be used as building space.


I acknowledge that kingdom dupes will not be within the kingdom if it moves, but that can be simply fixed by pasting the dupe in the area you want it to be instead of pasting it using the original built location option.


Also, the water basin/pool at the corner of the kingdom is a world prop. So that cannot be moved. So, to fix this the kingdom could be moved to the corner of the flat grass area to keep the pool. It is not under the structure so it could not fade threw the wall.



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Well, I understand the sorta inconvenience with Kingdom having the big structure in the middle, BUT, outside of the black walls is sitland and having the black box moved around would just give sitland a really odd shape and could introduce issues where when staff bring players to sits, it could end up putting us inside the new position for kingdom, unless sugar can make new teleport points for staff in sitland, I don't think moving the structure (shifting kingdom over) would work well tbh

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