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yo.... SUGAR..... read this plz

ODA Envy

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Sugar - Voice your opinions.

Me - GOT IT!

Me voicing my opinion - Can you keep the warning system but maybe make it so there are no punishments for warns? I like the idea of seeing what people did / how often they do what. 

Me voicing my opinion 2.0 - I like the idea of removing KOS signs but not sure what you meant because you said 'just put a loitering' because people usually write 'KOS if Loitering' and I think you meant put that so maybe change 'no kos signs' to 'no kos lines/kos inside' Help clarify for people who dunt no english.

After posting this I thought to myself 'this should be in suggestions... +1 warn me'

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I don't know if you guys only read the small condensed version of the changes I posted in the changelog or the actual image with all of the extra stuff in there but:


  • Loitering has a minimum time of 5 seconds before you're KoS
  • King can still megabase by himself (got a message about that)
  • Doing !raid and !heist will alert admins someone is doing either and will give the player a cooldown (got a message about that)

You're right about the warning system. I just don't think it should be used in place of a kick or a ban. If you want to log something, I guess you could warn them and then kick  / ban them.

Only reason why you had to advert raid / heist in the past was for logging purposes. Not because it's "etiquette" or something. Mugging and Kidnapping is still an advert though.

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[*]Doing !raid and !heist will alert admins someone is doing either and will give the player a cooldown (got a message about that)


Only reason why you had to advert raid / heist in the past was for logging purposes. Not because it's "etiquette" or something. Mugging and Kidnapping is still an advert though.



+1 I like the idea of this, especially if it like gives the person a warning or something saying 'no no no, you tried raiding -insert username- -time- ago! remember, raid cooldown is 20 minutes'


You're right about the warning system. I just don't think it should be used in place of a kick or a ban. If you want to log something, I guess you could warn them and then kick  / ban them.


Fr fr just make it so active warnings last 24 hours(one day cause I like even things) and make it so it applies punishments at a ridiculous number so it won't dis out punishments. I just like logs, logs are proof, logs are history, people can learn from history.

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