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StreetyFr Sexual Harassments/Harassment

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Your In-Game Name:

Megabyte Me

Your Steam ID:


Who are you reporting?:

StreetyFr STEAM_0:0:211213757

Why are you reporting this player?:

It started as him following me around and asking me these innapropiate sexual questions. I'm not sure if he broke NLR following me to the place he was killed. It eventually escalated to him still continuing to following me and harrass me, where he was making sexual accusations/claims against his mom and accusing me as the blame me for his family problems and also attempted to get the attention of other players on the matter of this topic. It briefly stopped as I was trying to help spawn a prop for a group of people in a basketball court, but shortly returned after I returned to spawn, after being RDMed.

Do you have evidence related to this incident?:


https://streamable.com/gboth4 - StreetyFr Report Pt 1
https://streamable.com/ota67s - StreetyFr Report Pt 2

Edited by LilAnkleBiter
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Then I apologize. I must have been misinformed. If I don't have enough evidence for this case, then feel free to close it. I'm fine with this one being closed. I'm just tired of getting harassed and bullied by people, who thinks it's okay to bully people in real life or even over the internet, not realizing how much it might effect them. They don't know the life the person of who their bullying or what the person went though throughout their life. I'm smart enough to know that this kind of behavior should not be tolerated in real life or especially over the internet. I don't need the college classes I'm currently taking to know that. It's just common sense.  

Edited by LilAnkleBiter
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3 hours ago, Abstergo said:

Video 1 - Not a whole lot going on here, some weird sexual comments. I think when he came up and asked you if you were younger than 15 was very gross and weird though. At first it seems like your typical player being a weirdo but I think that towards the end of video 1 things definitely start to look bad for him. I do notice however that you are in a call with Tyz, who I'm sure would happily help you with your issue and could also make a sit at any time. You also didn't ask the player to leave you alone or to stop harassing you in any out of character way during this video which does come off as a little strange.


Video 2 - This video really doesn't show anything at all apart from you getting RDMed and trying to call a sit on somebody unrelated to the report. I see that towards the end StreetyFr comes up to you and starts talking more shit, but again you just engage with him and don't make any indication towards him that you want him to fuck off.


That said, I don't really think that this is appropriate behavior and some of StreetyFr's statements towards you were frankly unacceptable. I just don't think there is a strong case for harassment here. I dunno what kind of punishment would even be appropriate here, if any. Vulgarity maybe?


I would say he could be punished for the vulgarity if nothing else since that is now a thing we can punish for but him asking if she was younger than fifteen is kind of suspicious. Asking someone's age is one thing but him asking someone if they are younger than fifteen is very suspicious and I would say it should be monitored a little if he is seen on.


Personally, I would say as advice to Megabyte is to verbally tell them to stop bothering you and then (with the clip of you verbally telling him probably twice or so to knock it off) make a sit about it/report.


I am NEUTRAL on this as by technicality it is not harassment since he was not told to knock it off.

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8 hours ago, LilAnkleBiter said:

Tyz is actually a moderator, whiich mods aren't allowed to handle harrassment cases. I've been told this by him and other mods. Only a Senior Moderator or Admin can handle this kinda thing

This is sorta correct for huge harrassment cases, but moderators are allowed to give out shorter punishments/ have a talking to the user to tell eachother to leave you guys alone. In my opinion nothing should go about this aside from a staff member speaking to him about how you are expected to act on this server. 

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