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Totally how the molotov nerf happened


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I assume this was your first thing like this? It was pretty good.


With practice and the right techniques, you could totally do great things.


And Teletubbie cracked my ass up. Sugar updating the server was the best though.

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I assume this was your first thing like this? It was pretty good.


With practice and the right techniques, you could totally do great things.


And Teletubbie cracked my ass up. Sugar updating the server was the best though.


Yeah, this was my first GMod film. I threw this together with nothing more than a physgun, a few tools and a couple of weapons. I might make something like this again in the near future :3

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i died and squealed on the TS right now w/ sugar at this



For all of the people who aren't staff:


My molotovs got nerfed (the reason and stuff was silly) and I was really pissed and was rly upset


like i am the definition of pissed

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