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CuteFish Appreciation thread


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I'm making this post to appreciate CuteFish and to hopefully help him get promoted to mod. Hes been tmod for about 2 weeks and since he became mod I haven't seen him rp once. Every time he gets on the server all he does is take sits. The two sits hes taken of mine have been handled professionally and fast. Idk why he hasn't been promoted yet but hope he is soon. 

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1 hour ago, MilkNCookiesInAPuddle said:

I'm making this post to appreciate CuteFish and to hopefully help him get promoted to mod. Hes been tmod for about 2 weeks and since he became mod I haven't seen him rp once. Every time he gets on the server all he does is take sits. The two sits hes taken of mine have been handled professionally and fast. Idk why he hasn't been promoted yet but hope he is soon. 

dude is literally fuel most of the time
takes 2 sits then logs off

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2 hours ago, mcdonalds wifi said:

Sorry for the double post but Cute Fish is absolutely killing it today. Sit after sit while being the only staff on and no signs of slowing down. Absolutely amazing staff member.

dude literally almost got votekicked because he went afk for an hour

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5 hours ago, Mav McStubbins said:

na fuck that lol

i aint never going back

Funny how you get on, talk shit to staff, then cry when your sit doesn’t get taken. Man is mad because he got demoted a second time so he has to take his anger out on someone that told him he should apply again. (While I was still VIP)

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5 hours ago, Cute Fish said:

Funny how you get on, talk shit to staff, then cry when your sit doesn’t get taken. Man is mad because he got demoted a second time so he has to take his anger out on someone that told him he should apply again. (While I was still VIP)

Woooooow toxic

Edited by Frisco
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6 hours ago, Cute Fish said:

Funny how you get on, talk shit to staff, then cry when your sit doesn’t get taken. Man is mad because he got demoted a second time so he has to take his anger out on someone that told him he should apply again. (While I was still VIP)

never took my anger out, and i actually dont care anymore that im demoted. 🙂

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