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no blacks

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hecko I'm that one guy i have been playing on the sever a long ass time, my favorite color is green, and i do not like blacks, jews, people from the south, people from the west, people from the east, blacks, arabs, blacks, sugar tits, blacks, and spiders, but mainly blacks.


hugs and fisting- that one guy

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Sooo the only people you do like are:

  • Whites from the north that are christen 

All I want to say is that winter is coming, and most of the people from the north are going to die because of the white walkers

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tbh I have been on this server longer than most of you


Go away you salty cunt


tbh it seems like you're more salty then him considering you're the one to always bring it up

Dude it's an inside joke

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