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Ban appeal


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Your Steam Name: Elidrissiy09

Your in-game name: Elidrissiy09

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:154419560


Why were you warned/banned?: RDM

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned? : I have changed my job to bounty hunter just like any other, pickpocketed a bountylist, and then I looked around and I got a location for the target (ill be honest I did not even look at the name I just followed the dot blindly) and then I found the location is up a minigame dupe or whatever (screenshot 1) now I didn't kill the first guy from that specific angle , anyways, when I did kill one of them accidentaly (meaning he is not the target) I've got out the building and took the screenshot, then I've seen some movement of the dot to a nearby building (the building is in screenshot 2) At that time the dot was on Kodax for moments, and after I killed him nothing happend just like before, he isn't the target. and then I waited a couple seconds and the dot was on his friend I assume (on screenshot 2) right after I took the screenshot I was brought to a sit which I explained that the thing was a plain mistake and nothing further than that, unfortunately I was banned.

Who warned/banned you and for how long?: banned for 24 hours by kodaxxz.

Evidence: (screenshot 1)https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2102595717

(screenshot 2)https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1022826054192575254/51B1FACA3908E2460A37BBE6A213810608BCEFF3/

                (screenshoted this right after I felt that I might get banned wrongfully for a thing that could be a bug)

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So the person in screenshot 2 is the actual target. In screenshot 1 that same person is next to the red dot, and you should've realized that there is a delay, You just shot the person who you thought was the target, due to the delay of the red dot. That's okay, accidents happen. The fact that it happened twice does not help your case. Remember that you have the name of the target, and when you look at people, you see their nametag. So you just weren't careful enough. It will not be up to me, but depending on your previous ingame warns, I believe the sentence could be potentially reduced to a warning. Ill leave it up to Koda to determine wherever your punishment can be changed depending on recent warns and all. Thank you for your appeal, we will get back to you with an actual verdict. Take care,

Papa Skii.


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I brought you to a sit and asked you in voice and text chat why did you kill me, you failed to respond so I went ahead and banned you,

I understand if it was a glitch and you could have shown the screenshots instead of just not speaking


I will be ACCEPTing this ban appeal as it seems like an oopsie on the server side.

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