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Treasure Hunter and movement speed


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Treasure hunters need to roam the whole map as part of their job, its what they do. so why are they just as slow as everyone else? I propose that the Treasure Hunter gets a movement speed buff similar to the spawn of heck to cut down on the amount of time it takes to move around the map. 


On the topic of speed, lets talk about the boots of speed. they take a rare gem to craft and lose all effectiveness when slowed or some other thing changes your movement speed (beastiels, adrenaline, etc) which seems like it just really is not worth it, and its not. I suggest that if the boot effects remain the same then remove the requirement for rare gems and maybe make it electronic instead, still a somewhat rare resource but nowhere near as much. Or if the crafting recipe stays the same then at least make the effect return when the other effect on your speed is over.

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I agree, but I believe it should be acquired through a level perk, not just given. Just like how at level 22ish (I believe) Hitmen and Assassins get jump boosts (I might be botching this, I just woke up)

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+1 to this, The boots of speed shouldn't be valued that high when I could instead cheaply buy adrenaline to keep me running faster for an even longer distance with lower cost. This will make electronics have more of a meta use as I find them sitting in my inv and being used on nearly nothing.

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