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Sell all drugs at once.


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If you're selling let's say weed, you have to physically drag it in, and lets say for big hauls like 100 that's repetitive and even if you try to combat it with standing on his head and dropping it down.

1. It drops the money on the ground so it's pickup able by anyone that walks by.

2. If you drop it to fast then the NPC won't pick it up so it can be picked up by others or sold by others.


I found a temporary solution by placing a Cash Pot right in front of him so when he drops it the cash drop picks it up, Still having to drop it and if to fast, well I already said it above.


It would be nice if we could just click e and it would sell everything in our inventory OR sell the whole shipment


It's not a total like needed thing but just a suggestion :)

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Even though I usually just sell unprocessed drugs as is to the NPC, I think this could be a great addition to the server, on the days I am not too lazy to process. This server honestly needs a lot more improvements to the farming meta, it seems that raiding is the primary focus now, and it's kind of annoying that us farmers don't get any attention :/


Big Fat +1 (à la comic sans)

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