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When it does hit tomorrow morning (I am hoping) don't expect a 100% perfect update. There will be bugs, there will be exploits and some things may be broken and it could be an absolute mess. While I am still getting things done and making sure that doesn't happen, I have only tested it by myself. The GUI's may look off if you're not on 1920x1080 (even though I have taken a lot of precautions to prevent that).


Please for the love of jesus, report broken things to me immediately so I can fix them.

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Nooooooo, I am not 1920x1080


Should still look fine. The way the GUI's work is that it gets your screen height and width and then makes them into a percentage of values.


I can actually test this by just rendering a lower resolution, I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Give me like 30 minutes and I will see if it's all good


Edit: Okay so here is what it's supposed to look like on 1920x1080




Then I went to 1600x900 and got this 



Fixed up some values and it looks fine on 1600x900




All of the other resolutions look "fine" and it's definitely usable. Only issue is really on the lowest resolution of 1280x720 which is not too bad




The real issue is the logo which is locked in at a 200x75 size and it's rendered through html which I don't know if there is a scaling option for that since I can't just do SetSize( ScrW() * x ,ScrH() * y)


This is something I will fix but as of right now, I don't see it as a super big priority since it doesn't stop you from doing anything


Edit2: Seems most UI's are fucked at a lower resolution like this. Fine, I will fix it now

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there should be some sort of of going away/update celebration on downtown


I'm in for this. Once I get on in a half hour I'll make some announcements in admin chat and we'll make a cool event in the admin zone for the players (maybe a scavenger hunt :])

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