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Rule/ Ban/ Warn change poll!


Should you be able to ban people who leave the server during/ right after a raid  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should you be able to ban people who leave the server during/ right after a raid

    • Yes.
    • No.

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ok Soo lately i have been ALOT of people getting banned 2 days for leaving during a raid/ right after a raid, heck sometimes im forced to do it (busy alot so i have to leave during games) I think this should be changed, I mean, you CAN warn the person who left with there steam id (pretty easy to access dlogs) I mean, what if the person was being raided, was told he HAD to go by his/her parents or there was something urgent he/she has to do, SO i think it is BS that they are getting banned for things most of them cant handle, if you like this idea vote no, if you do not like this idea vote yes!

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Lets take some scenarios where people may have to leave during a raid.

1. Parents force them off

2. Their computer turns off at a certain time (Parental Restrictions usually)

3. The power goes out

4. Game Crash


Now lets look at why people get banned for each scenario.

1. If your parents are telling you to get off, a simple "/ooc I gotta go, sorry guys, parents are making me" would work

2. They should know that the computer locks them out and before that time should either get off the game or do the same thing as 1.

3. There is no fixing this, but the chances that someone leaves due to a power outage is slim.

4. Can happen to the best of us, and sometimes a ban may happen.


Instead of changing the system to warns instead of bans, the admin should have to wait 5 or so minutes to see if the person comes back on. If they do, they can have a sit and figure it out. If not, they face the punishment of being banned for leaving without a reason.

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Lets take some scenarios where people may have to leave during a raid.

1. Parents force them off

2. Their computer turns off at a certain time (Parental Restrictions usually)

3. The power goes out

4. Game Crash


Now lets look at why people get banned for each scenario.

1. If your parents are telling you to get off, a simple "/ooc I gotta go, sorry guys, parents are making me" would work

2. They should know that the computer locks them out and before that time should either get off the game or do the same thing as 1.

3. There is no fixing this, but the chances that someone leaves due to a power outage is slim.

4. Can happen to the best of us, and sometimes a ban may happen.


Instead of changing the system to warns instead of bans, the admin should have to wait 5 or so minutes to see if the person comes back on. If they do, they can have a sit and figure it out. If not, they face the punishment of being banned for leaving without a reason.


the thing is, when peoples parents force them off they have like no time to do ooc, plus, while in game you lose track of time usually (atleast i do)

and also, random updates could occur, no way to stop that. PLUS alot of the players dont have the fast download so its gonna take longer than 5 minutes to reconnect, I think a warn should be put in play, it would decrease the ban appeals by ALOT and stop the complaining on the forums.

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5. Ragequitting little bitch.


5. Just disconnects and leaves without saying anything because he's mad poopyboy2002 raided his base successfully and got his printers, in this case I would ban because he left without a reason and it is considered failrp.

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"force them off they have like no time to do ooc"

It takes around 10 seconds to write /ooc I have to go, parents here"


"while in game you lose track of time "

This isn't our fault. Were playing a game. If you have to get off, you better know what time to get off.


"random updates could occur"

It is true it could catch someone off guard, but updates always have a timer of about 2 minutes before it restarts computer. It never just shuts off computer with no warning.


What I'm trying to say, is that the punishment is there for everyone and anyone. It doesn;t matter if you have a time limit, doesn;t matter if youg et kicked off, you follow the same rules as everyone else.


If your going 160 mph on the highway because your wife is having a baby, are police going to ignore you? No, they will pull you over just like everyone else. They follow the laws that are set, and act accordingly. Players should follow these rules and know the consequences if they have to leave.

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"force them off they have like no time to do ooc"

It takes around 10 seconds to write /ooc I have to go, parents here"


"while in game you lose track of time "

This isn't our fault. Were playing a game. If you have to get off, you better know what time to get off.


"random updates could occur"

It is true it could catch someone off guard, but updates always have a timer of about 2 minutes before it restarts computer. It never just shuts off computer with no warning.


What I'm trying to say, is that the punishment is there for everyone and anyone. It doesn;t matter if you have a time limit, doesn;t matter if youg et kicked off, you follow the same rules as everyone else.


If your going 160 mph on the highway because your wife is having a baby, are police going to ignore you? No, they will pull you over just like everyone else. They follow the laws that are set, and act accordingly. Players should follow these rules and know the consequences if they have to leave.

last one is wrong, if they pull you over and see she is pregnant and giving birth they are not allowed to give a ticket, they will escort you ;)

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Now, all of this seems good in theory, but think of the average 12 year old on Gmod. If they find these rules are in effect, they can and will abuse them. If you got raided and are super salty about it, you can D/C and say "oh my computer crashed sorry guys". Or even just say the parents are forcing you off just so the people don't get your printers.

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hm, I dont usually ban or enforce a warn, I don't like the idea that alot of people have no say over it, so i apologise to the person who was raiding, and someone give them some  money  (i know we dont have to but i never use it on the server ;;) ) Then i tell them to call false and they dont have to wait the cooldown this time.

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Now, all of this seems good in theory, but think of the average 12 year old on Gmod. If they find these rules are in effect, they can and will abuse them. If you got raided and are super salty about it, you can D/C and say "oh my computer crashed sorry guys". Or even just say the parents are forcing you off just so the people don't get your printers.


But then when they join back, they are forced to give up their printers to the people that raided them.

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Now, all of this seems good in theory, but think of the average 12 year old on Gmod. If they find these rules are in effect, they can and will abuse them. If you got raided and are super salty about it, you can D/C and say "oh my computer crashed sorry guys". Or even just say the parents are forcing you off just so the people don't get your printers.


But then when they join back, they are forced to give up their printers to the people that raided them.


^^^^^ if not they take a warn.

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