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Bug/enchanting stuff that you couldn't before

Harley McStubbins

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Description:Enchanting stuff that you couldn't before such as master swords,knifes...etc, is a waste of chems,they won't go above rare quality even with 100% chance of legendary 


How to reproduce:slap a knife or some shit on the enchanter,get that shit to 100% chance,bam a dogshit rare(master swords become unusable BTW)


Priority: (High, Medium, Low):medium since its done by choice but if you don't know about it(kinda like me who lost about 400 chem barrels on rares) it will hurt your pocket.

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The 100% chance on the enchanter DOES NOT mean its 100% for a legendary. It's just 100% of getting a rare or higher but since the commons are knocked off the table legendary guns have a higher chance of being enchanted.

At least that's what I think it is.

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I tested it on other guns with and without the new perk from the leveling system once a normal gun gets to 100% chance it will be always a legendary, you can even go over 100% but I don't see the point there no other rarity above legendary.It was always like this, its a 0.3 chance per barrel added for a legendary wich is 300 for a 100% chance or about 150 with the new level perk.

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I tested it on other guns with and without the new perk from the leveling system once a normal gun gets to 100% chance it will be always a legendary, you can even go over 100% but I don't see the point there no other rarity above legendary.It was always like this, its a 0.3 chance per barrel added for a legendary wich is 300 for a 100% chance or about 150 with the new level perk.


multiple times i have gotten rares and epics on 100% chance

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The way the system words it is confusing but I didn't know how else to really word it. Increasing your rarity chance is exactly like it says. Let me show an example of how the system works.


When you roll your enchantment, lets say it picks a number 1 - 100. If its 95 or above it will be a legendary (hypothetical, not actual rates)


When you put in chemical barrels, it increases that number you got.


So if I roll a 5 out of 100 because I am unlucky and I put in 50 chemical barrels it will add like 50 to that 5 which means you will get a 55 instead of a 5. That means instead of getting a common, you get a rare where it is increasing your rarity chance.


Of course if you put in like 200 chemical barrels that number might increase to like 90 which means you would have to be incredibly unlucky to not get a legendary.


I did test to ensure you can get these items to rare+ and you definitely can

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