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Items Falling through props


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Pretty straightforward, there are certain items that will just fall through props, this is really annoying if you are fishing and you catch one of these items, only for it to sink into the bottom of the ocean because the floor props wont collide with it. same thing with alchemy potions they phase through props so if you got props on your floor you wont be able to pick up the potion if it gets dropped.


All i can really suggest is to make it so you can inventory pocket these items as soon as you catch one fishing or just make potions collide-able with props.

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Entities dont have collisions due to how much lag it caused when people ran their 40+ procs, Everything colliding into eachother and causing collision lag, I feel like allowing this to happen again might break shit even more

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Entities dont have collisions due to how much lag it caused when people ran their 40+ procs, Everything colliding into eachother and causing collision lag, I feel like allowing this to happen again might break shit even more


This is not how it worked out.


The potions specifically were made to not collide with each other which causes lag. If it is possible to make potions not collide with itself but collide with everything else that would be good. There are more examples of this kind of thing but it is not the case that all entities have to be no collided or none are.

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