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Dark Spirit Jars are Too Hard to Obtain


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I dont mean they are just "uncommon" i mean its such a rarity to find people that have them WITH xp that the ratio of regular spirit jars to actual dark spirit jars is something like 400:1. This makes crafting talismans almost impossible and just leads to unnecessary time spent roaming around as spirit caller finding people who HAVE dark spirit but no xp to obtain from them. Like im pretty sure this mechanic was made to prevent spamming and selling talismens but its made it to the point where noone goes spirit caller anymore because everyone already has 500+ spirit jars and 0 dark ones.

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Two days ago i pulled 28 dark spirit jars out of myself, you have to farm your own xp do a couple pd raids get your bounty up and watch out for those spirit callers. 

There is a few of the talismans that are very op, personally i don't think they should be any easier to obtain due to the fact they are really only used in raids giving the raider a massive advantage.

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The solution imo to this is essentially to either hard drop the rates of regular spirit jars or making an alternative crafting route using spirit jars to make dark spirits where u could target farm something else than the very jank way of pd raiding to up bounty. The goal would be to only marginally up the rates of talisman drops but having multiple ways of doing it. My suggestion would be to craft dark spirits with a fish from one of the rarer categories (if there is one that looks dark/evil that fits thematically) so that you can farm that maybe when you cannot pd raid. Im sure other people have othher suggestions or solutions similar to this too.


I agree it feels bad with the current situation and think that the solution is having varying ways of making spirit jars without making talisman supply skyrocket.

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I mean i agree with Kiwi's method of gain spirit jars, i tried it out yesterday and it got me a few doing this, but then again i kinda get the impression that if people only hop on spirit-caller to drop jars from themselves it kinda takes away the role play purpose of him, to go around and fk with people and take their jars, people have enough spirit jars as it is, so unless they are hold up in a base taking their own dark spirit jars it feels like its going down the road of medic or drug dealer, where you do your one thing and then switch jobs.

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