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[BUG] Model Hitboxes

A Duck

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(Leader of Furries here)


Description: My shark model on my CC has terrible hitboxes. Rifles, snipers, and pistols can only hit it between the knee and thigh. It can be knifed, shotgunned, and exploded with no problem.




How to reproduce: Use my shark model from the cc store (Under the Leader of Furries name)


Priority: (High, Medium, Low): Low


I was hoping to make a preemptive argument for not removing it just in case it can't be fixed:


- I do not use this model to raid (Did once, forgot about the hitboxes but immediately stopped when I remembered)

- To make money (Ask anyone when I base with them, I let everyone keep everything from proc/printers/miners), or cause trouble.

- I only public base with this and non-money making RP with it.

- I won't let anyone buy it (Only sewer has it and only he will have it) so you don't have to worry about a bunch of shark milfs minging.


The only time the hitboxes are even noticed is when someone trys to RDM me and can't. I really hope we can figure out a way to keep this model on here.

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Alright I'm going to continue to do what I do on the server until told otherwise. I've gotten zero actual complaints with this model and feel like as long as I follow the rules I set for it above no one will really complain.


The only real situation left to ponder is can I defend against a raid if I'm just hanging out with my gang in their base? If not I can promise a quick switch to another job or model before I defend.

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