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A Magic Show that turns into a massacre


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TitsRP Wars, Episove IV: A New Hope

The day, is January 18th 2016. Another sunny day in TitsRP.


Erston is a red Teletubbie. In fact, he's the only red teletubbie in town. Other teletubbies come in purple, green, and yellow... but Erston is surely a keeper. He's unique, special, or possibly even retarded.


He was taking a stroll down the main roads near the PD. He was contacted by Daddy Dogeo, who goes by "Mickey Moosee" and Dogeo, "Bosco".These two doglike beings promised people an entertainment show. $100! What a deal! Something cool, right?


The Red Teletubbie known as Erston paid up, excited to see what was in store for the magic show. People lined up, people appeared, we all stood in front of the magic trick eager to happen. And then it happened. Literally nothing. Erston was frustrated, he was lied to! He thought, "Nobody makes a fool out of me!" and decided to confront the con artist businessdog himself. Unfortunately, the coward hid behind unsuspecting customers. Within moments, Erston threw molotovs at the dogduos, but they got what they wanted in the end, our money, with no refunds.... PERMANENTLY.


And then it turned out that their descendants, "Bosco Jr." and "Mickey Jr." were planning to follow their ancestor's ways and hit up the scamming business on TitsRP tomorrow. But don't worry, Erston Jr. is on his way.


Erston Jr. will cleanse the server of evildoers.


Join us next time on TitsRP Wars Episode V: Dogeo Strikes Back.


TitsRP Episode VI: Return of the Teletubbie is now in pre-production.

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