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Spirit Jar Exploit

UrBaN BoMbEr

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Player: Voltz


04/25/19 - 0730am


Bug: Slashing the PD health board (as a spirit caller) drops unlimited spirit jars.


Recreate : Slash the health PD board.


While playing early (7:30 am), with like 6 players online. I was walking down the street and heard constant slashing by a spirit caller... I eventually walked into the PD and found player Voltz slashing the PD Health Board. When I eventually went into the PD, I found like 50 spirit jars on the floor that he had farmed.

Later in chat he admits to farming "800 spirit jars and not getting any dark spirits".

Since a TV doesn't contain a "spirit", I'd say this is a bug that is being exploited by Voltz.




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It looks like he was buying health and farming XP from himself at the same time, not extracting spirit from the board,


This is exactly what he was doing, there is no way in heck sugar fucked up that hard lol. This is the most logical explanation. 

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