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Swat shields


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Today I was on YouTube and I found a video in my recommended of this really annoying guy playing garrys mod and on the server he was on all the swat had riot shields that they could deploy into the ground to make them larger. I think this could be a pretty cool idea because the deployable shield we have is shit and this would be cool for cops to have. Here's the link but turn down your volume first as he's really loud and he broke my headphones. https://youtu.be/en4UMU4F8uE

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I believe something like this is on the backburner on Sugar's trello, called a R6S class. But good idea overall. Perhaps it would have to have a low amount of health so it's not too OP.



Low health, a shield they can have out but cant shoot out of to balance it, they have a pistol but they have to swap to shoot from, possibly some body parts are revealed when using the shield like maybe a little bit of the feet if they were crouching or just a little bit of the top of the head to balance it.

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