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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Fuel

  1. It takes a lot of maturity to admit when you're in the wrong and I appreciate you did so. This will be duly noted and I hope you've learned from this so you can grow and become a better person than you ever were. Good luck on your endeavors.

  2. General discussion: The discussional topic is random things like this below. Meme applications, favorite wikipedia articles, response to my app, etc.




    Basic questions:
    Uh basically there's a few I found on the internet i'll list em below/


    1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

    2. What type of music are you into?

    3. What was the best vacation you ever took and why?

    4. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?

    5, .What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?

    6. What was your favorite age growing up?

    7. Was the last thing you read?

    8. Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?

    9. What's your favorite ice cream topping?

    10. What was the last TV show you binge-watched?

    11. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music?

    12. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?

    13. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    14. Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home?

    15. What’s your favorite sleeping position?

    16. What’s your go-to guilty pleasure?

    17. In the summer, would you rather go to the beach or go camping?

    18. What’s your favorite quote from a TV show/movie/book?

    19. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?

    20. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?

    21. Do you have any pet peeves?


    Your in-game name: 




    Link to your Steam profile: 




    Your age: 




    Your Discord tag: 




    What is your region and timezone?

    Planet Earth


    How many hours have you spent on the server within the past week? (LINK us to your Gametracker)

    10 minutes


    Have you ever been warned or banned on the server? If yes, what for?

    warned by abstergo for snitch / snitching / !cexec abuse 



    Will you continue playing on the server while your application is up?




    Have you read over our Staff Guidelines? Sit guidelines? Punishment times? MOTD?




    Do you have a microphone and use it constantly?

    I only use it when im not crying my eyes out



    Do you understand that abusing and not helping with admin sits will get you demoted?

    no does it really



    Reasons for applying/information:

    idk man i just think it would be fun




    Why do you want to be a staff member on this server?

    idk man i wanna abuse



    What are some qualities that make you a good staff member?

    will ban everyone who calls sits for snitching, very biased, obtuse, acute when needed and good reflex.



    Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? If demoted, please link the report or explain why you were demoted if there was no report. If resigned, please state the reason.

    i got demoted for cexec abuse



    Have you ever been a staff member on another server / other game? If so, what server(s) / game?

    a little server called titsrp



    If accepted as a staff member, what could you contribute to the moderation/administration team?

    i would contribute a very biased and unprofessional behavior



    Would you like to be trained as a trial mod beforehand or do you think you're ready for full mod? Why?

    yes (i would like to be trained as a super admin)



    Scenario Questions (Unlimited Liners, minimum 2 lines. Explain what you would do for each question and why):

    Player X claims that player Y is using printers with a building sign up.


    warn player x for snitching and jail him for 5 minutes


    Player X shoots player Y with a stun gun for 1 armor of damage. Player Y kills player X. Player Y makes a sit on Player X for stun gun abusing them.

    dismiss sit as he said she said situation not enough evidence


    3 players report a player for Mass RDMing. You try to bring the player in question but it says "This player has not been found.".

    let mrdmer off the hook claiming i did not have enough logs


    Player X crossfired player Y in a raid. Player Y makes a sit claiming he RDMed him. How would you investigate to check if it were crossfire?
    let player know it was crossfire because i said so and warn player y for staff diss because they wasted my time with a sit



    Player X calls a sit saying "Admin to me".

    warn for snitching


    Player X teleports into Player Y's base using !sleep and kills player Y because he is Jigsaw. However, player X starts to blow up player Y's printers. Player Y calls a sit on Player X.
    !sleep is an exploit but we allow exploits as long as u dont get caught so its ok

    Player X calls a sit for RDM but it happened before you joined the server. You claimed the sit. How do you handle this?



    Expert Questions (Unlimited Liners, minimum 2 lines. Try to answer these questions to the best of your ability, the only thing that will hurt your chances in this application would be to leave them empty; Explain what you would do for each question and why):

    Somebody dies in a raid. They come back and stand on the sidewalk outside their base and get killed again by the raider. They call a sit for RDM.
    noclip into their base and steal their printers

    Somebody dies in a raid. They come back to their base at exactly the 10-minute mark and get killed by the person who was raiding. They call a sit for RDM.
    nlr is allowed so i would ban the person for making a false sit and give the person who "nlr'd" admin

    You are in a sit and decide to give somebody a verbal warning for an accidental RDM. The offended user calls you a bad staff member and says that you need to ban them for 3 days.
    idk what to do here i guess just ban myself

    Somebody calls a sit complaining that a user FDA'd during a raid. What do you do?
    fda stands for fresh donut assocation so ild take a bit








  3. So for a long time now me, walter, boolin, cock asian, abstergo, doge skeletor, etc all members of game night have been engaging in really cool RP. One of which was 'Lavendaria Brillante' an essential laundromat in the front with a washing machine door leading into the back. In the back, we were cooking methamphetamine just like the show. It was really cool. One issue we had though is that the meth seemed really unrealistic/uncool. First off. The yield is too small. With a total of 2026g for an unspoiled batch of meth totaling to 4 pounds, the combiner is not producing anywhere near to the amount it should. My opinion is that meth on the server should have small scale/large scale operations and be more realistic. The breaking bad Phenyl 2 Propylene as the show calls it method is really dumb and ripped straight off the main ingredients of the show, aluminum shreds and methylamine. There is a GTA V meth prop pack over here
    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=885782999 that would suit very nicely. You could make it so lithium batteries are purchasable from F4 etc, and it would be like you could add ingredients gradually (with instructions on the combiner like zmlab) and how well you cook the meth (Good chemical isolation so like purity) you will get more money. Since it being more difficult to cook meth, maybe larger yield is in order too. (Small scale operation like a stove could be like just 4 pounds, large breaking bad combiner 40 pounds etc) I am thinking 40k per pound for a very high purity batch would be in order. The meth suits could be improved too using these https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/id=675464077&searchtext=gta+v+hazmat+suit which are low storage and look better than the half life 2 rebel model.

    I know that this seems like a dumb suggestion cause I have never cooked crystal meth but I feel like making it a more interactive process and as such giving people more yield (40 pounds maybe for a combiner) more people might use the job. Also maybe decrease the slots as a result. 

    • thumbdown -1 5
  4. 11 hours ago, bone. said:

    • Your Discord Tag: 


    • In Game Name: 
    • Link to your Gametracker: 

    • What materials do you like feeling, soft or hard boiled? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
        i like feeling soft things they are very good to feel i can lay in it for decades
    • Do you own a copy of the game Garry's Mod? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • Have you ever rep bombed Abstergo on the forums? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • What's the PH level of your Gamer Grease? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
      12.5-14, same level as heavy greases. 
    • Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
       i became staff when very young during 2017! only 13 btw FUCK YOU MILES DENIED FIRST APP I KILL U
    • And if not, when did you last pick your nose? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • Do you have a son named Spraynard? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • What detergent do you use to clean your socks? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)


    • Have you ever been banned off the server?  (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Have you ever eaten toilet paper? If not, why? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • Do you eat your eggs with or without the shell? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • Also, do you eat your bananas with or without the peel? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
      WITHOUT OF COURSE! IM NOT A MONKEY IDIOT LIKE CERTAIN PEOPLE......................................
    • How often do you clean your bellybutton?
      its permanently clean 
    • What kind of sauce packet do you take home from restaurants?

      ketchup is sauce ?


    • What do you think of the global socioeconomic implications of the ever increasing military industrial complex in the US? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
        i do not like israel 
    • What is love? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • What's your favorite fast food restaurant to eat at? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    • Do you like your burger with or without the peel?
    • Is TitsRP your favorite server?


    decent app neutral

  5. i mean if someone is obviously raiding your base why would you have to warn them to get away. I feel a better way to implement this would be that there are more deployables like turrets etc you can place down of different tiers (a tf2 thing i know) like the heal bot. Raiding a base shouldn't be easy but i feel this is a better way to make it. Solo raiding is hard because you need people from all angles to kill people. Another way would be to readd potions and add god food again but that won't happen likely. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Selclouth said:

    • Your Discord Tag:


    • In Game Name:
    • Link to your Gametracker:

    • What materials do you like feeling, soft or hard boiled? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice 
    • Do you own a copy of the game Garry's Mod? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod 
    • Have you ever rep bombed Abstergo on the forums? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo 
    • What's the PH level of your Gamer Grease? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 
    • Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before 
    • And if not, when did you last pick your nose? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, 
    • Do you have a son named Spraynard? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard 
    • What detergent do you use to clean your socks? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome 

    • Have you ever been banned off the server?  (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.
    • Have you ever eaten toilet paper? If not, why? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it 
    • Do you eat your eggs with or without the shell? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously 
    • Also, do you eat your bananas with or without the peel? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously 
    • How often do you clean your bellybutton?
    • What kind of sauce packet do you take home from restaurants?

    The hottest ranch flavor


    • What do you think of the global socioeconomic implications of the ever increasing military industrial complex in the US? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    That doesnt exist the military is actually lacking in authority in the u.s
    • What is love? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    Something an average titsrp player will NEVER FEEL
    • What's your favorite fast food restaurant to eat at? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    obviously wendys (totally not because the mascot is a hot redhead milf thats totally not it)
    • Do you like your burger with or without the peel?
    Bro peel obviously
    • Is TitsRP your favorite server?

    It isnt

    repeated phrases no real effort put into your app -1

  7. 3 minutes ago, 1-800-Suicide said:

    • Your Discord Tag:


    • In Game Name:
    • Link to your Gametracker:

    • What materials do you like feeling, soft or hard boiled? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    i like hard boiled things because they are more firm and not sticky like soft boiled things
    • Do you own a copy of the game Garry's Mod? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I do own a copy of gmod because i bought it when i was younger and now i have the right to play it
    • Have you ever rep bombed Abstergo on the forums? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have not rep bombed that person but maybe i will maybe i wont we will see if he cloutchases a bit more
    • What's the PH level of your Gamer Grease? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have not done a litmus test on my "gamer grease" (I dont know what that is) so i would not know
    • Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    I have been staff before in 2017 before the cringers arrived and i did it to help when there are not usually staff online

    • And if not, when did you last pick your nose? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    Last time i picked my nose was 3 days ago i think because i had a booger there and it was annoying
    • Do you have a son named Spraynard? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    I dont have a son named spraynard and i dont have a son at all making that impossible

    • What detergent do you use to clean your socks? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    I use ajax detergent and depending on the color of the socks i use detergent with bleach or not and i will use a pre wash to keep them soft

    • Have you ever been banned off the server?  (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    I have been banned from the server before. I think the most amount of my bans are from anti cheat false positives
    • Have you ever eaten toilet paper? If not, why? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have never eaten toilet paper. This is because I dont think it would tase very good
    • Do you eat your eggs with or without the shell? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I eat my eggs without the shell, this is because the shell cannot cook and doesnt taste well.
    • Also, do you eat your bananas with or without the peel? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I dont eat banana peels because of the same reason i dont eat egg shells, they dont taste well and cannot cook
    • How often do you clean your bellybutton?
    as often as i need
    • What kind of sauce packet do you take home from restaurants?

    I dont take home sauce from resturaunts. I can make sauces on my own


    • What do you think of the global socioeconomic implications of the ever increasing military industrial complex in the US? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I dont think america should act as an independant agent in the world and rather that they look for diplomatic solutions through summits, the UN assembly, trade deals and not act as an imperialist force that will only further their own interests in a different country which can lead to unstable conditions like what has happened in the middle east.
    • What is love? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    What is love?
    Oh baby, don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me
    No more

    Oh baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me
    No more
    What is love?

    No, I don't know why you're not fair
    I give you my love, but you don't care
    So what is right and what is wrong?
    Gimme a sign

    What is love?
    Oh baby, don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me
    No more

    What is love?
    Oh baby, don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me
    No more

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, oh
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, oh

    Oh, I don't know, what can I do?
    What else can I say? It's up to you
    I know we're one, just me and you
    I can't go on

    What is love?
    Oh baby, don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me
    No more

    What is love?
    Oh baby, don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me
    No more

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, oh
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, oh

    What is…

    • What's your favorite fast food restaurant to eat at? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    My favorite fast food resturaunt is a swedish burger place called max, they sell the best tasting burgers and their milkshake is very good.
    • Do you like your burger with or without the peel?
    Burgers dont have peels, if you mean the paper wrapping i do not eat burgers with those still on but sometimes i will have it on the burger to hold on while eating it.
    • Is TitsRP your favorite server?

    In terms of gmod servers its the only gmod server i play so that would be a yes. In terms of overall server ranking I dont know, there are alot of good candidates such as League of Legends EUW, boonk bi monthly 3 day minecraft server, VR-chat private rooms and mine and cynthias private discord server so its really a toss up there


  8. so in my opinion i believe proc and mini printer tokens + resource tokens should be outright removed. They break the economy and the ability to create a money machine out of nothing is a stale concept. make raiding and basing alive and active again. this is my suggestion

    • crine 1
    • Failfish 1
    • Angry -1 2
    • thumbdown -1 13
  9. 4 minutes ago, Cybor said:

    • Your Discord Tag:


    • In Game Name:
    • Link to your Gametracker:

    • What materials do you like feeling, soft or hard boiled? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice I love soft things like blankets, they are very nice 
    • Do you own a copy of the game Garry's Mod? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod I do own Garry's Mod 
    • Have you ever rep bombed Abstergo on the forums? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo I have not rep bombed Abstergo 
    • What's the PH level of your Gamer Grease? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 13 (Very Very Acidic) 
    • Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before I have not been staff on breasts roleplay before 
    • And if not, when did you last pick your nose? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, This morning when i woke up, 
    • Do you have a son named Spraynard? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard I do not have a son named Spraynard 
    • What detergent do you use to clean your socks? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome Downy like down syndrome 

    • Have you ever been banned off the server?  (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.I have never been banned off breasts roleplay.
    • Have you ever eaten toilet paper? If not, why? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it I have with a massive pile of walter the assaulters shit on it 
    • Do you eat your eggs with or without the shell? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously 
    • Also, do you eat your bananas with or without the peel? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously With obviously 
    • How often do you clean your bellybutton?
    • What kind of sauce packet do you take home from restaurants?

    The hottest ranch flavor


    • What do you think of the global socioeconomic implications of the ever increasing military industrial complex in the US? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    That doesnt exist the military is actually lacking in authority in the u.s
    • What is love? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    Something an average titsrp player will NEVER FEEL
    • What's your favorite fast food restaurant to eat at? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)
    obviously wendys (totally not because the mascot is a hot redhead milf thats totally not it)
    • Do you like your burger with or without the peel?
    Bro peel obviously
    • Is TitsRP your favorite server?

    It isnt

    the color coding sucks and your forums name creeps me out. your eggs question concerns me. neutral

    denied advertising app i ngeneral. you can reapply in 5 hours


    • thumbdown -1 1
  10. Is your life not fulfilling enough? Do YOU crave to channel your funny monkey energy to make some dank memes and be an absolute gaming pc? Well, you've came to the right place. TitsRP Game Night welcomes the biggest of the minge's on the condition that you just don't be a fucking dick and don't ruin the fun for everyone else. We play an aspiring range of games and have some juicy discussions. With the role, we will offer you an EXCLUSIVE private designated game night voice chat and text chat, only the best for you kitten tx :). The games that we've played and plan on playing go as follows:

    • Jackbox Party Pack 1/2/3/4/5/6/7+
    • Synergy
    • GC Emulated Games (Gamecube)
    • Wii Emulated Games (Mario Kart, etc) 
    • Garry's Mod (DarkRP, TTT, Deathrun, PropHunt, ETC. Gamemode request)
    • TF2 
    • Tabletop Simulator
    • And MUCH MORE!

    If you think you're worthy of the role, there's just a few requirements that you must meet. 

    1. Don't be a dick, we are all just trying to have fun you're not being quirky by crashing our games and ruining other peoples fun.

    2. Fuel is KOS if you 360 (Applicable to Game night to game night members only)
    3. Follow the rules


    If you would like to apply, just make a new topic in the "discussion" forum with the filled out format below! Good luck! If you get denied, you are eligible to reapply in 5 hours unless we think you stink. The minimum requirements are being a member of titsrp for atleast 3 days and having 30 minutes of playtime + being in TITSRP discord.




    • Your Discord Tag:


    • In Game Name:

    • Link to your Gametracker:

    • What materials do you like feeling, soft or hard boiled? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Do you own a copy of the game Garry's Mod? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Have you ever rep bombed Abstergo on the forums? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • What's the PH level of your Gamer Grease? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Have you ever been staff on TitsRP before? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • And if not, when did you last pick your nose? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Do you have a son named Spraynard? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • What detergent do you use to clean your socks? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)


    • Have you ever been banned off the server?  (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Have you ever eaten toilet paper? If not, why? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Do you eat your eggs with or without the shell? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Also, do you eat your bananas with or without the peel? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • How often do you clean your bellybutton?

    • What kind of sauce packet do you take home from restaurants?



    • What do you think of the global socioeconomic implications of the ever increasing military industrial complex in the US? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • What is love? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • What's your favorite fast food restaurant to eat at? (2 liners to unlimited liners, explain what you would do and why)

    • Do you like your burger with or without the peel?

    • Is TitsRP your favorite server?

    if u love arbies u get in ok ok (unless on a 0.001% chance you are hated by the cool kids




    • thumbdown -1 2
  11. yeah man you just apply at where the people told you to, make sure you read up on all the rules and get a good understanding of the guidelines or else you might have trouble answering those scenario questions! best of luck i think you have potential if you put grit into it like my math teacher would say 

  12. Just now, Wilhelm Panderino said:

    literally you saying its not a rule break, I got muted in game for asking. Make up your mind

    You got muted for continuing to argue about a rule you didn't like wording of and your behavior in this thread shows it. Even yesterday I had told a user off for saying that you can enter soemones base without a warrant and not be demoted, because that is not proper roleplay. Mr Doc McStubbins, the server owner argued with Walter the Assaulter, a long standing admin about whether or not it should be demotable, and doc said, "No, don't do that"

  13. No, quite obviously not. It's against the rules like I already said. There's a difference between the FailRP that is not roleplaying as a chosen job correctly (Ex:  a cop that enters a base without a warrant, cops not arresting criminals, spawn of hell using speed buff to deliver parcels), and FailRP that is violating the rules of our server (Ex: Removing and replacing dupe during a roleplay situation, Raiding a base without a warrant, and making KOS laws outside of PD) Our punishment guidelines define FailRP that is not roleplaying as a chosen job to be:)


    Not role-playing properly or as chosen job (FailRP)
    FailRP is a very general term, this includes things like cops not arresting criminals and letting them go.
    This should not be punishable by staff and the players have all of the power to decide who is and isn't on the job.

    A verbal warning in rare circumstances can be given out to players who do not want to role-play.

    In simple ways, consider not roleplaying properly to be "Failing to RP" and "FailRP" the rule break to be like a "fail" law or "fail" like loss or no. So that means it is not allowed. Me not wording something how you would like it does not mean that I am fundamentally incorrect, you just interpret it that way. Our MOTD defines trespassing as raiding HOWEVER a CP just entering a base without a warrant is not raiding without a warrant because that would be retarded. It would be dumbfounded to bring someone to a sit for just entering a base because they're playing as a certain job, when if you were per se, a thief job you would be able to step in, it would just be trespassing, therefore raiding, kosable, and 20 minutes must be waited to return. CP will still have to abide by NLR 20 minute time limits after they get killed for entering someones base, it's just that it's not an EQUAL violation against the rules like raiding without a warrant and like destroying props would be. We've deemed that since they are CP and may have a reason to do that, it is not something we will punish for unless it happens over and over. Makes sense?  Yea, I will admit that I was wrong to an extent, you're encouraged to handle this in an rp manner unless it becomes an incessant issue. It was just my train of thought was stuck on it being a demote because as far as I know, I have always handled it in that manner. It's unlikely the sit will go anywhere past a verbal if they just do it once unless after the fact they keep doing it.  

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