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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Fuel

  1. Description: so basically when i try to become any job even my cc, i have to wait 15 seconds each time before i become it. Idk if intentional or not but even with jobs i played like 100 times the same message comes up


    How to reproduce: try joining a job for the 100th time and you may possibly have the same error as me


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low)

    Description: so basically when i try to become any job even my cc, i have to wait 15 seconds each time before i become it. Idk if intentional or not but even with jobs i played like 100 times the same message comes up


    How to reproduce: try joining a job for the 100th time and you may possibly have the same error as me


    Priority: High (i've lost many jobs to other people waiting for the time to expire)

  2. Description: so i've notices when building shit that the precision tool has no option to/cant rotate the prop, and you have to rely on snapping it correctly to get that right angle. Idk if intentional or not but i thought i should mention anyway.


    How to reproduce: use precision tool on a prop constrain it to your destination and you cant rotate it


    Priority:  Medium/Low

    Description: so i've notices when building shit that the precision tool has no option to/cant rotate the prop, and you have to rely on snapping it correctly to get that right angle. Idk if intentional or not but i thought i should mention anyway.


    How to reproduce: use precision tool on a prop constrain it to your destination and you cant rotate it


    Priority:  Medium/Low

  3. Like if you buy a door you should be able to right click it and change it with the skin option like you can do with the door prop (it is an option it just doesnt work) also i think the door truning into that weird material when you buy it looks ugly, I think it should stay the same as when it was not bought.

  4. Hey, I was wondering about certain chat commands. For example , if you are using !p or /pm and you are beside people, it says that people can hear you talk. Can they actually hear your pm? Same question for /g or /gang for instance. Lets say i want to tell the CP the PD code but there are people all around me in PD. Can the people hear me talk in group? For /pm or !p say you are in spawn, and around like tons of people. Could they see or hear your pms? I want to know if i can save myself the trouble of running away to find a place with no people to send a pm. Also one more question, can the mayors assassin see group chat? Because if they can't it would be a great way to check who is who by seeing if they cant enter without breaking down doors or just ceasing to enter.

  5. Hey, i've been wondering for a while if there is a list of the servers uncompiled addons? Like for example mods that were downloaded beforehand from workshop (or mods made custom for the server) For instance the C4 mod, the prop damage fading mods, blowtorch mods, etc. Or atleast folders of them that could be provided within github etc. I want to know because i would like to test my dupes in singleplayer accuratley as that is where I build most of my dupes as it is easier for my computer to run . Help would be appreciated, thanks. NOTE: This doesn't include mods that were paid for (ZMlabs or other paid scripts/serversoftware) as i am not looking in anyway timo get free software, or reselI for my own personal need or copy this servers content, I would just appreciate if it could be made easier to find the addons.

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