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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mink

  1. Strait up tf is a t-mod
  2. I like this t-mod he understands.
  3. I didn't even know there was a test raid going on during the sit. Still don't know who was doing it.
  4. Yeah, I know this discussion is about me holding you during an NLR sit. I was just doing my job and finishing the sit. Sorry you lost your stuff but I needed you to stay until the person was warned.
  5. Mink

    Do you think?

    T-Mod rights accepted and elevated above super admin power
  6. Mink

    Prop count

    +1 This is a great idea as building can get scary.
  7. The best way to do this would give a lockdown a 10 minute cool down and then for the AOS thing is to give the players a cop issued timer of 10 seconds to get inside wether that be a store or their own house. +1
  8. T-MODS EXIST WE MUST RISE Seize the means of staffing
  9. But most people use CCs which can have smaller models, this means that their initial health is lower than 75.
  10. In-Game Name: Mink11 Age: 16 In-Game Rank: VIP My Main focus when playing is: Gaining fat stacks and interacting with people The job I play most is: Hot Loli's shared CC Total Hours Played: 107 Discord ID: M I N K#4240
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