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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jew

  1. Cullen I was actually thinking the same exact thing xD
  2. Currently when you modify a weapon you get 10 gang xp; however, I think it would be interesting if the gang xp earned from modifying was based upon the result of the modification. For example, a common weapon could earn 5 xp while a legendary weapon could earn 50 xp or something along those lines.
  3. Remove the arrest baton as a possible present from Santa. It gives non-cop jobs that batton, which can then be abused.
  4. Bug Description: I was in the air after jumping with my master sword (I think I was about to hit the floor) when I got teleported into the Prop Climb event. When I got teleported to the prop climb area, it said "You lost a life! You have 2 lifes remaining!" I believe that being in the air made me hit the ground of the prop climb area when I got teleported, thus resulting in me losing a life. How to reproduce: Be in the air while you get teleported to the prop climb event Priority: (High, Medium, Low) LOW
  5. Jew

    Shout Out

    There was RDM in a sit x2 as well if I remember correctly and that was like my third or fourth sit with that player.
  6. +1 I agree that something needs to be done with the current nighttime situation, it is insane xD. However, I also think that the respected suggestion could be a better idea.
  7. Jew

    Shout Out

    How did you know I've always wanted to be called a "neat lad?" :P
  8. When a Bounty Hunter's target leaves the server, they recieve a message that states "Your target left town, time to find a new target" and still have to wait the cooldown to find another target. It is not the Bounty Hunter's fault that their target stopped playing, which is why I believe the cooldown should be removed in that situation.
  9. Just a minor one: Add "Carjack" to the list of adverts that do or do not exist in the MOTD. I know it is basically the same thing as steal, but I still see people adverting it every so often. Adding it to the list takes like 5 seconds so why not do it.
  10. I had the gauntlet and the truck, don't know the prices :p ID: STEAM_0:1:82525378
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