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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Jew

  1. ^^ (I'm probably forgetting something tho so I'll edit it when I remember lol)
  2. The score is lowkey MASS RDMers- 0, Admemes-∞, but wtv
  3. Good, we didn't want you here anyways... (Good luck with your tests)
  4. Yea the unarrest stick is the only thing I think we would ever need.
  5. Jew

    Bounty Hunter Bug

    Bug Description: As the target of a bounty hunter you recieve a message stating "You failed to kill your bounty target in the 3 minute timeframe" when the bounty hunter does not manage to kill you within 3 minutes. How to reproduce: Be the victim of a bounty hunter and survive the 3 minutes. Priority: Very low lol
  6. +2 (cuz 1 is an odd number)
  7. This issue with this is that the weapon modifier job is really OP xD. I'm fine with 4, but 5 I'm neutral about.
  8. Bug Description: Players can unbox in events and if they get pills they can return to their normal playermodel with all their stuff. How to reproduce: !unbox in an event and get a pill Priority: Medium * Just disable unboxing in events :p *
  9. I'd just like to add that sometimes items are missing from the CC editor for some people. For instance, I was once trying to buy "Armor on spawn," but it wasn't in my CC editor. I had to msg sugar for him to gimme it.
  10. Welcome back and hopefully that wouldn't be an issue again this time. :p
  11. I'm still gonna pronounce it Pig-ger-gast lol
  12. This bug also prevents staff members from teleporting players to them, the players end up getting returned to where they were kidnapped.
  13. Bug Description: There is no cooldowns for revolutions, so players are able to create unlimited amounts of them. How to reproduce: Type !revolt to start a revolution, die, then type !revolt agian to start anther one immediately after Priority: High
  14. I'd say this is worthy of the high priority label if it is correct
  15. I remember Ida Hoe :o Wayyyyy back when
  16. Jew

    Roast me

    It's Moist Chicken. I had to find your mod app to figure out who you were lol
  17. Jew

    Server Addons

    Type !workshop while on the server and go to the link it provides
  18. And I thought Cullen and I were the only Jews on the staff team. Tisk tisk...
  19. Had you just joined an event or were you recently kidnapped?
  20. Race... always with the warm welcomes 0_o But seriously, welcome! I hope you enjoy your time.
  21. Did you try turning it on and off again
  22. Just a bunch of suggestions to address some issues I've noticed. 1. Change To Because the max raiding raid time is 10 minutes according to the MOTD. This rule's current phrasing allows players to return before a raid is over, which just leads to a cluster fuck. 2. Add the jobs "Fantasma" & "SWAT Sniper" to the list of jobs in the cop ruleset. 3. Change To Otherwise they would be a hitman without a cool down (Pretty positive this was already a rule, I just don't see it in MOTD). 4. Add something along the following lines to the Gun Dealer rules: 5. Add the job "Abomination" or "The Abomination" (I forget if it has the "the" or not) to the list of jobs in the stupid job ruleset. 6. Add something along the following lines to the general rules: 7. Bring up double fading doors in basing rules 8. Bring up crossfire in the general rules For 7 & 8 I was too lazy to create things myself :p. I will also be suggesting more things like these when I return from vacation.
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