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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cullen

  1. Dude… What I am saying is, if a particular staff member is abusing, please report them. Saying all of this is going to accomplish nothing
  2. Please private message Sugar tits on this. Please don't make public threads on this or you will be warned
  3. If you are going to say these things, then report these staff members. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty
  4. Sugar said on a different thread that he wasn't going to be available today. If it becomes a problem, have a staff member remove the election npc.
  5. I am closing this stupid thread
  6. All donation questions could be answered here: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=6 Thread closed
  7. What is the point of making this thread? Literally this is happening on that report thread of yours. If Neko says that it is allowed, then it is allowed.
  8. Cullen


    No, this feature has been disable by the owner
  9. This thread is more of, "I never get my way, so this server is poop." If we backed up you, would that be biased? You never present evidence and if we are going by what you are stating then technically we are being biased towards you. The reason you never get your way is because you never present any evidence. We can't really help you unless you present the situation clearly and back it up with statement.
  10. Are you reporting a staff member? Are you trying to tell us as a whole about the staff team? How many staff member are on during the time? On a whole... Yes the staff team is not perfect. That is why we always are in a need to accept new staff. There is 2 types of staff members. There are the staff members that just apply for the rank and care a little bit about the server. These staff members only take sits that involve there friends either getting trouble or they're having a problem with someone. They also take sits that they are involved in. Overall they role-play more than they staff on the server. If you do see that a particular staff member is role-playing more than staffing, then please report them. Then there is staff members that go beyond the expectations. These are the staff members that you mainly see in sits and are answering questions in OOC. They usually have a really high sit count and are mainly responding to reports/ban appeals. They also treat everyone equally and have a unbias opinion. These are the staff members that you want on the server. If there are a few staff members online (1-3) on a pack server, try not to expect a sit right away. If you don't get a respond after a good 5 minutes, make another sit. This is because the sit eventually goes away. If after 5 sits becomes a problem, then report them either the staff member that is not claiming sits or report the player that is breaking the rules.
  11. Please use correct format … #Closed
  12. "Single ready to mingle" :cmonBruh:
  13. i feel like people might exploit and make their friend vip and then just kill them. How can they. When you start up a vip event, the person that becomes the VIP. He gets teleported to a random location. I am focusing more towards the Survival/Prop climbing events though
  14. [suggestion]: I love starting events; however, I wish I can do more with it or gain more out of it. I believe you had it before that, if you buy an event (1m purchase) AND you won the event. You should get a bigger prize compare to someone that only joining/playing the event. A command that allows you to spectate the event, while it is going on (This allows others to also see if an event is going on) Make it sooo we can customize more with purchasing, so basically it's not going to be random when you are purchasing the event. Obviously, this will mostly affect the Survival/Prop climbing events/RaceI feel like this can work like the fight club job Some examples would be: What player model everyone uses What weapons everyone uses How much health/armor everyone has What Scale is your playermodel Which map we can use What Vehicle everyone uses Who becomes the VIP
  15. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=1325 Can you make a new thread and follow this format. Closed
  16. That is not just the citizen. It is any job with multiple player model and when you respawn, it switches the player model.
  17. I made with a few other staff these suggestion yesterday on discords, so I am putting these in the suggestion thread so people can see if they don't have discord. There are also some ideas that weren't mentioned. The topic was mainly about the new gang rework and ideas around this rework/update: A gang bank (Kinda like a guild bank in mmos) using this new inventory system. How it would work is that everyone in the same gang can purchase inventory space with ingame cash or gang level requirement. Everyone in the same gang can interact with the same inventory by putting guns inside, depositing money, and/or taking out guns/money. Obviously there would have to be a limit on how much you can deposit and how much you can withdrawal per daily/weekly. Gang wars (Credit goes to Cynthia). Kinda like how the bloods vs. Crisp go to war. The only problem with this is a big RDM fest. You see this problem a lot with the bloods vs. crisp. Maybe instead of going to a NPC to access the war menu, maybe write in chat a command, "!Gangwar" and that would access the command A gang player model or tag in chat. Basically a way to show off what gang you represent. So for instance, if it was Sugar tits was in the COONS clan, it would be: [COONS][Not Sugar] Sugar tits:…. If it was the player model, everyone in the gang would put down ingame money and then you can buy special player model. This player model could be the same as an outfit in the clothing vendor or a special piece of clothing that only can be achieved by being in that gang in that respected vendor. Gang Chat Room I think this is self-explanatory. You can message people through chat, that are only in your gang with a special command like "/g What is with that Cat in Sugar's Picture?" Gang Achievements A bunch of milestone that gangs can receive. Maybe some rewards that come with completing these Achievements.Some examples: Reach 10 people in a gang Reach level 20 as a gang Win your first Gang War Get a Gang Inventory
  18. Honestly, all we need in a map is a downtown that can handle 90 people both in performance and size. Then the next thing is making the pd bigger. That is really all we need. Maybe add: a little pond area that sugar can bring back the fishing addon
  19. Bug Description: When you open the inventory through the swep, you CANNOT close the inventory How to reproduce: Use the inventory pickup swep Priority: High Idk if this is tied into this bug, but a script error appears everytime you use the new inventory system [ERROR] addons/sugarinventory/lua/sugarinv/sh_inventorymeta.lua:282: attempt to index local 'tbl' (a nil value) 1. getEntName - addons/sugarinventory/lua/sugarinv/sh_inventorymeta.lua:282 2. icons - addons/sugarinventory/lua/sugarinv/client/cl_inventory.lua:106 3. MainInventoryWindow - addons/sugarinventory/lua/sugarinv/client/cl_inventory.lua:197 4. unknown - addons/sugarinventory/lua/sugarinv/client/cl_inventory.lua:276 5. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:54 Bug Description: The inventory transfer from the old system to the new one is not exact. Most of my old sweps changed from the old system to the new one. How to reproduce: Open the inventory system and compare what you had in the old system to the new one Priority: Medium - High Bug Description: There is a shipment in my inventory that is bugged, don't know why, but there. You can't open, use, drop, interact, etc... How to reproduce: http://imgur.com/IDnf6a0 Looks like this shipment Priority: Low
  20. Sugar knows about the player model. I believe he is swaping the player model.
  21. Honestly, I think that job needs a nerf. The job makes sooo much money with not a lot of effort, other than getting the chemical barrels. I say remove how we get bloods from medics, add logs and rocks to the recipe, and that way you can't really nerf the prices of the guns.
  22. Cullen

    Unboxing in Events

    Technically you can get a cannon...
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