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Sewer last won the day on June 17 2022

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  1. +1 ing only cause you said for it to be a legacy job
  2. This man is a deceiver.
  3. Guys check out this picture of Spiderman
  4. How about both sides of the argument turn off the screen and do some pushups. Yall this is a VIDEO GAME on your COMPUTER. Your arguments are trash on both sides. Shut up and just don't be retarded. Sal preaching like he a Chud Messiah of "bullying builds character" Meanwhile dyln is saying that their playtime on a videogame was traumatic enough that their mental health spiraled. Y'all both bitches and need to get over yourselves
  5. When I built Peanut Butter's Memorial, I hadn't took into account a text screen for it as this was really the first memorial the server had. I don't play anymore, however it would be a good touch to say who it's for, like how Kotos's is.
  6. um make basing fun and not boring, no 1 bases anymore!! cop r op, make them slower and dummer add a gun that costs $15 fartrp dollars and does 100000 dmaage a bullet but only ccs can have it moar gang perks!!!!! i want a new pet of a naked hot woman to follow me around!! i want stocks to be brought back, it will work this time! add sex swep and prostitute!! erp is good !! let me buy 15 printers, i am bad at raiding these r my suggestions, as u can see, they r very good!
  7. I feel as this would become nitpicked by new staff who will not fully understand the rule, which would lead to needless warns for someone going "/ooc f u whoever killed me!". I believe taunting is fine for the dynamic of the server. This helps create cliques and and make gang wars that more appealing when 2 people on opposing sides are in a headlock with each other. We shouldn't restrict roleplay in that way. This seems a little weird to read. Trespassing is not raiding....yet you get a raid cool down for the base??? It cannot be both ways. If you would like to make a TRESPASSING cooldown for a base, that would be okay, and then trespassing and raiding will be completely seperate. Trespassing cooldown should be at most 5 minutes, as players do randomly walk into people's bases near pd/use them for cover from gunfights. This should be 10 consecutive seconds. So saying a person is loitering for 5 seconds, if they come back in the same life and do it again, they only have 5 seconds remaining of the 10 second loitering time, this is to prevent minges.
  8. Damn how were these acquired ???
  9. It's not a glitch, it's a feature. Punch any spawned prop/entity
  10. You're just wrong. Police dog can see drugs through walls when close enough.
  11. Edit the SK cooldown on the same person to be shorter for those times when there's barely people online. Hobo class should have a higher max player limit.
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