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Umbak Klak


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Umbak Klak

  1. Pretty sure sugar offered the solution of making it so using these types of items and /size would reduce your max HP, I think that's much more fair. Removing /size is a no-go, many people enjoy using /size for roleplay and it makes people laugh a lot. Don't remove it.
  2. Umbak Klak


    Good idea should make a thread for it, sounds like a healthy way to reward good Cops and give them more of a chance against Mr. 10 Talisman Potion Mat-Bomb Thrower
  3. Umbak Klak


    What? I posted this idea over a month ago. edit: 3 months ago: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=9136
  4. Umbak Klak


    Tried posting this suggestion before, I think it was a bit too much before. Let's try it again; Mayor needs more things to do, sometimes it can be boring sitting up there doing nothing. Paydays feel extremely weak and need some love, but giving different classes more salary is stupid because they'll be prioritized. I offer the Economy solution. Essentially, the Mayor will periodically be given a prompt with a question on it and multiple choice answers. Depending on his answer, the economy may go up, down, or not change at all. The state of the economy will determine how much Paydays give you. The base payday at 0% Economy (It can go negative) should be raised to $1k (Right now 0% Economy would be $500, the normal Payday amount), and at 100% Economy rises to $2k, -100% being $0. It promotes roleplay by way of both good and bad Mayors being recognized, gives people more reason to Raid if a Mayor is doing particularly bad. Thoughts? I have more ideas for the Economy like the PD hoarding cash in the Vault from Bounties, Arrests, and Lotteries and being able to spend that cash on stuff for the police force or citizens, but I thought I'd leave it at this for now.
  5. Basically all the things that are on the map have to be updated, farm zones, NPCs, rock/tree nodes, etc. etc., Sugar said it should be here this weekend.
  6. Welcome back to the server, if you played last year a LOT has indeed changed and you can expect the entire community to be completely different. If you aren't already on the Discord here's a link: https://discord.gg/Rpb44z I probably wasn't even on the server when you played, you picked an interesting time to come back considering we're about to have a massive map update, likely this weekend.
  7. So long as the recipes weren't things that we already have and just new things, sure, sounds neat. How would these books be found?
  8. September 14th Changelog Added to General Rules: DO NOT attempt to loophole any rules Added to Bad Laws: Cops can randomly cuff/stungun/etc. to check for weapons/bounty/etc. Added to Misc. Rules: Killing someone to save them from being fined/arrested is FailRP
  9. Whole bunch of new photos, edited and replaced the old ones since I can only have 10 pics per post.
  10. [align=center]Old thread hasn't been posted in over a month so I'm not going to Necro it Gallium has been busy:[/align] [align=center] [/align] 9/14/18 Stuff: New Gif showing off depth of Ocean: https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/CrazyFormalArmedcrab https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247434867527122945/490265946192085022/20180914170142_1.jpg[/img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247434867527122945/490265791304826880/20180914170106_1.jpg[/img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247434867527122945/490265720199053312/20180914170051_1.jpg[/img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247434867527122945/490265538753462274/20180914170006_1.jpg[/img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247434867527122945/490265351779778600/20180914165844_1.jpg[/img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/247434867527122945/490265074242682880/20180914165817_1.jpg?width=1167&height=657[/img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/247434867527122945/490264957540106255/20180914164626_1.jpg?width=1167&height=657[/img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/247434867527122945/490264849859870730/20180914165652_1.jpg?width=1167&height=657[/img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/247434867527122945/490264826501922827/20180914165633_1.jpg?width=1167&height=657[/img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/247434867527122945/490264449739915284/20180914165524_1.jpg?width=1167&height=657[/img] Bat-Cave and a REAL Train Confirmed
  11. Pretty sure this is actually intentional so people can enchant/find guns they have cc perms of
  12. good idea, idk how it could be made weak, maybe it only works in a large radius around the person using it and yeah thats why I listed them as being so expensive, I had them even more originally but wasn't sure how people would feel about them being that expensive, I'll edit them to be higher They could certainly be more expensive to keep the price relatively the same (15k-20k?) I wouldn't want there to be too many tools for mining/chopping, and I have plenty of ideas for expensive fishing rods. That's not a bad idea, though it likely wouldn't work for CC items and only guns that you can sell
  13. yeah there's no reason this would cause lag they dont need particles or effects (but those would be really cool and an RP way of knowing which rounds are being used) I like this alot, but I think everything should have a counter so there should also be items added that counteract specific ammo types if these were added! But everything on this list is good, this would make raiding and playing cop more interesting, assuming the police would have an arsenal of some sort to swap their ammo out. I have no idea how flexible the gun base is but if this is possible I'm +1
  14. Would be cool to see multiple NPCs that buy them for different prices every hour (or whenever it changes) so people have to find the best dealer around town.
  15. With the addition of Strange Gems and Rare Oak we can finally start to see some new, more expensive craftables added. Here's some ideas, feel free to leave yours below. These are just ideas so numbers are placeholders. If an item seems expensive that's because I like the idea of expensive craftables that can be lost in roleplay. [align=center]Master Sword Recipe: 75 Metal, 50 Wood[/align] Printer Booster Desc: Adds 200 XP to the Printer (Maybe doesn't work past level 10?) Recipe: 5 Chem Barrels, 1 Electronic Component Iron Pickaxe Desc: Is 50% faster than a regular pickaxe (Increased Strange Gem rate?) Recipe: 3 Strange Gems, 2 Rare Oak, 400 Metal Ore, 350 Wood Iron Fireaxe Desc: Is 50% faster than a regular axe (Increase Rare Oak rate? Can cut down doors like sledgehammer?) Recipe: 2 Strange Gem, 3 Rare Oak, 350 Metal Ore, 400 Wood Note on these two^: If advanced versions of tools aren't extremely expensive and able to be lost on death, it'll have a large impact on the economy. With them being faster, people can hear someone swinging it and attempt to mug them since they're rich enough to make them. Shiny Fishing Rod Desc: Catches fish faster than a regular Fishing Rod Recipe: 1 Strange Gem, 1 Rare Oak, 150 Wood, 150 Metal I have lots of ideas for fishing rods, if there's any interest in them I'll make a larger post explaining my ideas for recipes and benefits of new, craftable rods/baits. And something stupid because why not: Egg Radar Desc: Makes a noise when the Egg is nearby (large radius, or its global) but everyone nearby can hear it, too. Is a held item that can be inventory'd (and lost) Recipe: 10 Chem Barrels, 25 Metal, 20 Wood edit: Piklas had the idea of making it cheap so its fair to new players who dont have an egg or rare materials, I think thats fair I have plenty of other ideas, just thought I'd do something small for now. Feedback is appreciated, as well as your own ideas.
  16. August 26th Changelog Changed Mayor Rules: Added: Laws can not target an individual group, class, job, or person. Make your laws general, and make them effect the entire town. You can restrict areas of the map, but not force people to be there. [*]Removed "Hobos must stay underground" from Good laws, replaced with: The sewers are unsafe and not sanitary, for your own safety, they are off limits. [*]Added to Bad Laws: Hackers must stay on the beach or AoS
  17. good luck on that gladiator grind boi the staff team is doing as well as we can be
  18. your story about your old server reminds me of NoxiousNet R.I.P. Welcome to the community/server, hope you enjoy it, we're certainly different than pretty much every other DarkRP server (IMO for the better). If you have any questions feel free to DM me on the Discord: https://discord.gg/qB7yGm
  19. Yeah so there are many many many reasons why a sit may not get claimed. It may be under-detailed, the staff maybe be busy with another case, there may be massers. What many people don't know is that sits go away after about a minute, so if a staff member is tabbed out, they may completely miss sits. Honestly the most common reason for your sit not getting taken is purely due to the staff being AFK or pre-occupied. Most staff won't drop everything for sits. Some staff will.
  20. This is unintentional, processors were already fixed before. It's abuseable because a pickup box that doesnt make any noise is way easier to hide and protect than two thick machines that make whirring noise. And you can eat it up at any time.
  21. yeah please just DM him them and yes literally every other darkrp server sucks, though im sure there are some unique ones worth checking out feel free to send that list to me, too, peanut
  22. Well considering everything said here I can see why you were demoted, I was inactive for this past week and didn't know the full story. Noclipping around may be the norm on other servers but here, as I'm sure you were told, noclip is only to be used when absolutely necessary. Of all the evidence Walter put forth the Youtuber one is the one that raises the most red flags for me. Hopefully you can enjoy the server as a normal member.
  23. It's too server intensive to be worth it.
  24. Good god yes the server has drastically changed in the last year You might get culture shock from how different it is compared to what you remember about it lol
  25. Glad to see you back, hope you enjoy the new community! A lot of rule changes has happened this year, make sure to refresh yourself on the motd!
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