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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Slick

  1. Category:





    When you are killed while inputting numbers at the bank panel, it disables your ability to use your number keys to pull out weapons until you go back to the panel.

    How to reproduce:

    Start inputting numbers into panel (I.e. a number of dollars to deposit).
    Have someone kill you.
    Try to use number keys to select weapons.
  2. It's not just you. I feel the same way at the moment. I've been staff for nearly two years now and I've seen my share of staff burn themselves out on the game and then disappear off the face of the earth.


    Take time off, go do other stuff. You don't have a staff role so you don't have any obligations to the server.

  3. Per legal obligation, I made this two years ago but then a superadmin removed two of the mailboxes (2 and 14 on my map) which shifted all the numbers and made it out of date




  4. Category:





    A lot of warns are unable to be seen in warn menu. I get the following error when I try:

    [awarn2] addons/awarn2/lua/autorun/client/cl_awarn.lua:636: field 'day' missing in date table
    1. ParseDateString - [C]:-1
    2. func - addons/awarn2/lua/autorun/client/cl_awarn.lua:636
    3. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:32

    Warning someone also produces a ghost message in ooc like "[Senior Mod] : !warn McStubbins Test Warn"

    How to reproduce:

    Try to view warns on someone. It seems to be random who gets this issue.

    Warn someone to see the ghost message
  5. Why don't we revert the change that cops can't vote, but instead of counting the votes needed as a percent of all players, make it so the yes vote to no vote ratio has to be above a certain point? Cause as it currently stands, voting no does nothing I believe.

  6. I believe this has something to do with it randomly choosing a slot in your inventory without regard for whether that slot has any items in it. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature however...

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  7. Category:





    When you have a Quick Farm talisman equipped, if you're close enough to the barrel hose when it pops off, you collect it straight to your inventory. When it does this however, it doesn't award you the xp for harvesting a chemical barrel.

    How to reproduce:

    Be near a chem hose with a quick farm talisman when it pops off.
  8. The previous numbers have no effect on what number is going to appear next. Each roll is an independent event, and each number is equally as likely to be chosen as any other number.


    I don't see any issue with this.

    • Like 1
  9. I think if we are to remove them, it would be unfair to remove them from people's inventories. Just make the only way to get them is from cereal wishes, that way their numbers slowly die off.

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