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MarkCX last won the day on June 29 2020

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  • Birthday 06/28/2002


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    Boopers Ass


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  1. This would defeat C4!!!!!!!! +100
  2. This seems to be more of a networking and data issue but I also feel like this shouldn't be a huge issue. No one should be dropping items during a trade for any reason because you are in a trade. Best way to prevent this is just have sugar disable item dropping while in a trade window. Its really hard to prevent things like this because it can happen in any game depending on its code structure.
  3. I understand what you're saying, and I agree that having 12 mayors assassinating each other would be a bit silly. However, my original post was meant to address a different issue. I assumed that the button was not meant to be there in the first place, and there are several other jobs that also need some adjustments. Therefore, I kindly request that the suga bypass be removed from jobs where it is not allowed. Thank you.
  4. Yeah thats what I was assuming is the button was just not supposed to be there, there is a bunch of jobs that need this adjusted.
  5. MarkCX

    bird parcels

    +1 another great idea for the bird job
  6. Yeah there's tons of possibilities with it but I love the idea of a flock of birds all wanting to always find the Restaurant Owner because they know he got good food
  7. I agree with your concerns and I believe it would just be one of those hidden gags you just randomly find out you can do to assist another class if they are around. After all, birds LOVE fast food.
  8. Sorry for the confusion, i'm referring to the step of the pickup box where it has been spat out of your player and you want to unload the entities, sometimes if the box is sideways or near a wall it has a chance to either get stuck in the wall or just go right through it. Although if this was implemented the only thing that would be different is when you hit E on lets say "Printer" in the box, it will show a ghosted form of the entity and you would be able to freely place it without the worry of any problems occurring. But yeah personally I have never had issues with the box spitting out in a bad area, its just the entities being taken back out of them is what I have issues with. I guarantee a lot of people could relate if you dont base in indus or sewers and I know for sure staff have received their fair share of sits regarding missing entities!
  9. I would like to propose a suggestion regarding the Bird job in TitsRP. This particular job is known for its ability to fly around and drop explosive shits on unsuspecting people in downtown. While the Bird does possess a perk to shit grenades, I believe there could be another perk added that would benefit both the Bird and another job. My suggestion is to introduce a recipe for the "Restaurant Owner" job that would allow them to create food containing laxatives. When fed to a Bird, the bird would start shitting uncontrollably for a period of 15-30 seconds, which could prove beneficial for the Bird in terms of its explosive shitting ability.
  10. Greetings! In this post, I would like to raise an issue that may have been encountered by many TitsRP players who have used a Pickup-box container to transfer entities between bases during raids. One of the major problems with this system is that where the box is placed affects where the entities will emerge. If the placement is incorrect, the entity may end up phased through the map, making it difficult to retrieve, and in some cases impossible even for staff to recover. To address this issue, I have a suggestion. As avid TitsRP players may already know, when playing as a kidnapper (Cultist job, etc.), it is possible to drop a loot box containing the victim's belongings. A ghosted prop appears when deciding where to place the entity, which is useful in ensuring accurate placement. My proposal is that the Pickup-box containers be updated to create a ghosted version of the entity when it is being removed, allowing the player to place it exactly where desired without the risk of being phased through the map. - Example of me playing a "Tree Token" exactly where I want it.
  11. +1 This would be great for the server due to a lot of features being added that try to prevent the user from accidentally breaking the rules, if a zone is created in the PD that doesnt allow that job to be assigned to a player then a lot of FailRP sits and punishments would be avoided.
  12. I'm starting to believe that this is just a misconfiguration because even the mayor's assassin job contains the suga bypass but it doesnt allow you, I am going to conclude that they are just not supposed to have the bypass button because of their specific roles.
  13. Hey everyone, I tried using the "Spawn of Hell" job in a game by bypassing the job limit with Suga, but it didn't work. Even though I was given the option to use the job, I was ultimately denied. I'm not sure if this was intentional or a mistake in the configuration. I know its more of a one and done type of job but I did find myself in a position to want to get the job due to a lightning quest. Output of attempting job bypass
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