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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Sticks

  1. The stock API sugar uses is currently broken and has been for about a month, he's been looking for one since then.
  2. Sticks

    Fighter Bug

    yeah sugar doesn’t know how 2 spell. a lot of things r misspelled ex. Sanata Claus and Sewler Lord
  3. give it to everyone but piklas he already gets 200+ kills each terror
  4. Still broken after changelogs yesterday. Neither save still
  5. Uhh pm sugar on discord about this
  6. shut up and go rp stop sitting in a base for hours doing nothing
  7. sugar has said a few times he doesn’t want a riot shield
  8. look at the dev board, it’s already in the works. it’s coming out with the next major update
  9. hi, die hard grinder here, most people don know how to respawn it so there was really no problem at all. Since the update came out, everyday i’ve farmed for 7 hours with at least 15 procs, didnt notice a single on disappearing.
  10. ez solution, buy procs late at nigh and base into the morning, all i do and i make like 8 mil doing that
  11. pls learn how basing works. you want all your props to be world glowed so you can see through them all idk why that happened
  12. ur dumb if your looking through your one way they’re in front of the world glow prop i.e you can’t see them. TBH it’s fair bc it’s a thing like you can’t see them but they can see you without the camo so the camo evens it out
  13. processors now shouldn’t ever sell for more than 100k I say about 60-70 k
  14. Bug Description: If u change ur cc name or color in the editor, it doesnt save after server restart How to reproduce: change ur cc name or color, it wont save Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Low Brought this up with sugar but he was 2 busy playing subnautica
  15. ??? they were never nerfed??? And oh no! people role playing! All drops were nerfed by 25% about 1 month after gang update, the change to shipment prices overall made processors less worth it with the addition to m9k weapons that diluted rare drops as it seems. (some drops like deployable shield and landmines were completely butchered) Maybe increasing the droprate of the processor can counteract the nerfs it got. double blow torch price and make them drop 80% of the time
  16. ??? they were never nerfed??? And oh no! people role playing!
  17. confirm. it’s the world glow option in the colors menu that does it
  18. cops should’nt be taking drugs, /demote them Does not state this in the rules or such and its highly debatable if this is corrupt or not. People in the military or any gov position often take weed or any other drugs to relax themselves for whatever reason. that’s in your country, here it’s illegal and will get you fired/arrested. drugs are default illegal and without a law saying they’re legal, cops can’t break that law or else they can be demoted drugs are default illegal and without a law saying they’re legal, cops can’t break that law or else they can be demoted http://prntscr.com/i72976 piklas i think ikea hacked ur computer they’re trying to talk 2 u in swedish “Åtgärder” but +1 to the writing in red
  19. cops should’nt be taking drugs, /demote them
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