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ODA Envy


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ODA Envy

  1. step 1, make cop gang step 2, do cop shit as cop to get xp step 3, buy the copgangperk that lets you spawn with sledge hammer step 4 sledge hammer
  2. you should totally split it up into two classes, one with useful stuff and one with cosmetic stuff
  3. welcome back big boi, wanna buy my model still? you know you want her https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=310360456
  4. it would be nice if i could change my name on demend when i shit post, ghostlygaming1 when i do super admin type shit, fantasma
  5. OR YOU GET LUCKY AND HAVE TWO YOUTUBERS COME ON! But seriously, populating a server may sound easy but it is by no means easy. I basically hit the lottery getting 60 players on everyday. lets be honest though, your lottery is only a lotto to a pedo
  6. go read my post bb, i agree, sadly i wouldn't be here. Imagine it like an expansion pack for a game, keep your character but a whole new world. Only "character" based thing i feel shouldn't carry over is rank because you know, extra 5 dollar for sugs if you want vip and it would encourage more staff, we could allow some current staff to have staff on new server but we dont want to overload our staff team so try to build up a new one on the new server.
  7. Aye! Welcome! Lets leave that poor suggestions thread alone, it's seen the two words "map change" together too much lately. We should totally discuss this! Let the older guys teach the newer guys some things cause we have been there, done that! So I'm thinking we could color code this thread too while we are at it. Map Suggestions should be green. Why we should or shouldn't change the map should be red. here is an example I don't like the idea of a map change, over time titsRP has gotten better and one of the things we have stuck with is not changing the map. However, what I do like is the idea of opening a 2nd server on a different map. How fucking cool would it be to have the two servers intertwined using SQL to share certain things, I had the following in mind. Custom Class, Gang, Inventory, Money but like that's it. Also, I think the following things should not be shared. Rank, server Jobs(both servers have different jobs), weapons(different types of gun dealers that sell different guns), different entities, so maybe how you collect entities for crafting, you can get different stuff at the new map.
  8. no the problem is people like to use it on random people because it's funny, it is a problem because this is attempt rdm. and the solution is distributing warnings w/ the reason "attempt rdm", if this doesn't work then we will apply the final solution, genocide, we will murder all the crab people who like to fucking slap me when I'm dealing with peoples problems. -totally biased-
  9. to the last two suggestion, i suggested that map awhile back
  10. "the map is called gm_fork" I'm so sorry for you unexperienced motherfuckers who think this is a good idea. In the time i was gone from this community I was Head Gamemaster for Axiom Gamer's Serious HaloRP and this map is literal trash. 1. over 90% of the buildings are not enterable. There are 2 warehouses, an office trailer at the crane, 1 room bunker on the mountain, the factory, the tunnel at factory, garage at the factory, the hangar at airfield, gas station, gas station garage, and the house by the gas, the family tomb that attaches to the train tunnel storage room, and that's pretty much fucking it. We could not sustain our current roleplay style and population. 2. I would say Poorly Optimized but it's not even that, the creator didn't care about optimization. In single-player I get 40 FPS while looking across the map, in multiplayer with scripts and other players good luck getting 20. On downtown in single-player I get a solid 300 fps. 3. Large parts of the map are 1 prop stuck together and can be grabbed to crash the server if done right. I will show you some of these props with the color tool. [video=youtube] NOTE; I do not agree with map changes, however, opening a 2nd server with a different map to see what the possibilities are is okay with me.
  11. ODA Envy

    Fantasmas Class

    in other words its not set as cop team i think
  12. 1 year and 1 day later
  13. http://image.prntscr.com/image/ab6a0a0a33294ce0be8d8bf5027666dd.png[/img] hey sugar is this broken for you too? when i go to edit this thread it shows it but not when I'm viewing.
  14. keep in mind what i just showed you in game, maybe the weapon creator fucked up, if thats not the issue plz look into it cause i want russia only shop and i need that gun below the ak
  15. ODA Envy

    p l z

    -1 special treatment is not okay (unless ur special)
  16. Bug / Quality of Life Description: The weapon cw_vss has the hand model set as the world model also. This is an issue because it breaks some physics with the gun or make it hard to work with. (examples; buying from shop, using in weapon modified) How to reproduce: Have the gun cw_vss and put it on the ground, its visible because the weapons collisions are not correct. Priority: Medium The correct model is models/cw2/rifles/w_vss.mdl
  17. ODA Envy

    p l z

    TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Fantasma", { color = Color(100, 0, 100, 255), model = {"models/player/power_armor/t45j.mdl""}, description = [[sWAT with the speed, soul, and the will to help that Fantasma had.]], weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "fo3_laserrifler", "fo3_laserrifler", "weapon_autowant", "handcuffsinhand", "weapon_nonm4"}, command = "fantasma", max = 1, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 2, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = true, ammo = { ["pulse"] = 120, }, category = "Police Jobs", }) sugar plz my bday is on the 14th, I'm leaving soon so it could be my place holder and a reminder I'm still with you guys even if I can't be physically. You can ever remove my cop cc, it's all i want.
  18. no fuckin idea how this happened
  19. okay lets go down the list of all pills and see what their use in rp could be List of all pills, here is why they can not be used for RP. None: Literally no use, can be abused because some are super small, some are godded. a monster people kill: every every 30 seconds "i was rdmed" cop: would not be able to function on our server with how we have cops setup, the pills only get weapons and are like 2 hit. They can't fine or arrest and cant access pd cause like i said, only have weapons. and they could switch between cop and say a kidnapper with the press of a key. cop lookout: these are actually useful as "cop pets" in a way, my friend follows me as a city scanner when im cop. However some get god mode and could be abused. pet: no harm if you want to literally just walk around as a way to have fun thats on you.
  20. new emote, when you say thanks sugar or thx sugar in chat it plays audio of dale's wife from king of the hill saying "thanks sugs" hats chat so we can use our steam emoticons add a rule for pills, my dude I will even write it for you. Morphs may not be used in RP,use it only for its aesthetics, not utility. (treat as a costume) If you become AFK you must un-morph. If you are chosen as the VIP you must remove your morph immediately.
  21. thats not a good reason lol, if he continues playing darkRP he will start to crave our server for our stability, non-abuse owner, and our memes. like what my ex tried to tell me "you wont realise what you had until its gone"
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