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ODA Envy


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ODA Envy

  1. ODA Envy


    I love you too, thx for your effort and having a shelter for the weird people for DarkRP to express theirselves. I'm going to write a comic for you! -sugar with strained look- -sugar hits big red button- -an alert(forum thread) goes out to everyone titled NO MORE CUSTOM CLASSES- -This said thread describes the following; Stopping all purchases of custom class and everyone has 1 week to get their custom class in order to never be changed again- -server outrage- -sugar makes post describing how he is just human and the work load custom classes are bringing is too much- -server outrage still- -sugar gives in, adds buying custom classes again... BUT... it's only a settlement- -sugar accepts payments for custom classes but it costs MUCH more now- -everyone kinda happy- -sugar kinda less stressed = less people can afford to buy them = less work for sugar- This was a Supply/Demand Comic. Story of the comic; The demand for custom classes can not be supported so Sugar shortened the supply.(make price higher)
  2. TitsRP = Simple DarkRP server TitsRP switches to evocity and becomes more complex. Playerbase that liked TitsRP for it's simple darkRP styles leave because they joined TitsRP in the first place and stayed because of playstyle. I am about 90% sure that is what happened. We simply did not have the player base for it. It would be like having a bunch of people who play the run and gun 'Call of Duty' and throwing them into Counter-strike. They are both shooters but one is simple and anyone can pick it up and the other makes you use your brain a lot more. Some people may like the change but most will revert back because they played call of duty in the first place and if they were choosing to play it in the first place then they probably like it better personally. I feel if we are to do any map change at all it NEEDS to be a different version of downtown because of the weight downtown carries. Evocity is usually connected with 'more complex servers' so people who want more complex gameplay gravitate to Evocity. If we were to switch to EvoCity and leave the server exactly how it is now we would get a lot of new people leaving soon after they join.
  3. Damn, tis ya boy has unblur+, the premium edition. Lolol
  4. Kendals blur tool is no match for my unblur tool!!!!
  5. ODA Envy


    What class were you because in the change logs it says anyone can place one and dealers can place five. Agreed, at most like 8... for only dealers though. everyone else at one.
  6. Hopefully you state a movement and we can roll in some new staff who WANT to help people.
  7. Noice, I am also 16. Noice, I have almost 3,000 hours, 2/3 darkRP. Thank you for your donation also, we can buy more dedicated wam. Please read the staff guidelines if you have not <3 https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=131
  8. I suggest the following two things to be added together to keep everyone happy! One side does not get a ban caused by rage/failure and the other side gets $$$$. Making it so leaving while being raided is not a bannable offense. Make it so player's entities stay for approximately 20 minutes after the person leaves so if someone leaves while someone else is in procession of their entities they can profit off of them just a little bit so stealing it in the end had some kind of guaranteed payout for the effort of stealing them. Make it so EVERYONE can spawn 1 shelf, keep dealers at 5 shelves. change the wow sound file for the wow swep to this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm_dS-wEFvs Remove cloak, I know it's cool and all but it's not a good swep coding wise, minimal effort.
  9. ODA Envy


    Put a reminder on your phone, set it for the day you get unbanned!
  10. So many pizza models
  11. Yo if yo girl left to go to her 90 year old grandpas funeral in Alabama and she left her fresh bagel on the counter in the kitchen and her grandma walk in the front door naked lookin 18 while you in the shower buying groceries from k-mart but whatchu finna do to her bagel.
  12. Yours reminded me of mine lol
  13. A plane crashed on the border of Israel and Jordan, where do they bury the survivors? Two strangers walked into a bar and were instantly knocked out, what happened?
  14. Got on Tits this morning, found 2 dead people who were AFK, one had a half made base that looked like it was built really quick. I also found these everywhere, typical morning on titsrp?
  15. ODA Envy

    Class Idea

    Been there, done that. We had hitler and hitler was removed due to hitler issues. Maybe same class but different character theme?
  16. SPONSORED IN PART BY Inspired by this post. https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=1888 I feel we should create new classes but in the end not have more classes, see see? You probably don't see because I haven't shown you yet! SO IF YOU SAID YOU SEE THEN EITHER YOU CAN READ MY MIND OR YOU LIED!(or hacked, fucking hacker) I think we should remove merge all semi-alike class, classes that we can live without. Basically replace these classes with more left field classes, variety is good. Lets give a shitty example cause I am bad at this and life. Sugar replaces thief and DJ We loose A class, RP style will continue cause you can just be a raider. We gain a class, A new RP style has been gained, being a DJ. Also with this all of those people who desperately in the back of their hearts who wants radios back could win in this trade too. The class DJ can spawn radio(ONLY DJ) and the DJ has a rule, no spam, only music on the radio. Win: We get a radio and you can't be blatantly annoying with it. Loose: Sugar kinda mad I guess cause he doesn't like radio but it's only 1 how much harm can it do? (imagine someone placing the radio and server crashes, not much harm right? ha ha haaaa-dies-) So yeah, less of alike classes and more verity?
  17. If it's only gmod the things I would recommend are Delete and unsubscribe from all addons When you did this did you literally unsubscribe from them, make sure you do because if not steam will just 'auto update gmod' and redownload them. Unsubscribing from all addons It may be the version of Garry's Mod you have downloaded or something in your files may have been changed Version: make sure your gmod is up to date, you can google how to update a steam game cause you could have turn off auto update and forgot possibly Corrupt Files: Just reinstall the game. Fucked up settings: in gmod I recommend typing unbindall then going into your options and click the set all to default button. You will loose all custom binds but you can always set those back. What if this is just a prank bro? Someone bound stopsound to W on your computer? TBH you have had this problem for awhile so trying again with these wouldn't hurt.
  18. factory restore? reinstall sound drivers? reinstall gmod? delete all local gmod files? delete and unsub all addons?
  19. noice lol, raised in Brampton.
  20. heckO! WELCOME! I remember you, sorry that you were raided by corrupt cop. If it happens again I will assist in your revolt to rekt the mayor for allowed his swat to do that to a snazzy guy like yourself.
  21. learning 2 copy and paste never hurt nobody, someone in our community could get the shit we like from different maps and put it in one then do you think we could have the map maker polish it a bit so we only need to pay them like 1/3 of the price? Don't listen to me that is damn near stealing but who cares, it's gmod! the game based on stealing textures from valve.
  22. I recommend if anyone blacnova do it, he has doubled the warn history since he got powers.
  23. They can do that already with the swep lol
  24. Yea, those sweps were made in like 3 seconds. I will polish them up tomorrow so it actually pinpoints what you're targeting instead of making you press it 90 times You could always just give all cops the permission to want without mayors concent then have people bind !want @ or what ever the command is, tbh idk if this works 100% tho cause @*^ work with ulx commands so i am asuming they work with darkrp commands but yeah, not 100% sure If there's no mayor/corrupt on, then PD can want people without getting consent. Actually now that I think about it if mayor/corrupt are on, I still think the pd can want people, but they cannot warrent people. Don't quote me on that I only have recent experience being PD as mu custom class and from my understanding it is an exact replica of the swat class but he may have changed it, idk, ask kendall he should have access to my custom class
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