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ODA Envy


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ODA Envy

  1. https://scriptfodder.com/scripts/view/1286 Already a script. Really easy to make though. I don't know how he does it but I have a really easy way to do it. When I get done with my event system I will work on smaller things like that great minds think alike! that was exactly what I was thinking except the weapon actually showing up, I thought that was unnecessary but tbh it looks cool
  2. Could you add a shelf for people to use to sell stuff? It would be helpful plz thx How I imagine it: You spawn the shelf in the F4 menu then you place it right outside of spawn/ at your house/ in your shop and people can buy stuff from it! The shelf would have a box on it that looks like the one on the processor, It tells you the price, how many are in stock, and the entity name, for example, tfcss_sg550. Along with that there are arrows on the left and right of the info box so you can look at other items for sale in the shop, a buy button, and an X button that is only visible to the owner so they can eject their entity they no-longer want to sell. You put items you want to sell in it by making them collide with it using your gravity gun and when you do so a a window pops up stating the entity name and it has a price box you can enter a price into. If you want to add more entities you just make them collide with it using your gravity gun again. When someone buys an item the money goes straight to the owner of the shelf! Do you think we could get this? If you can't find a close alternative but still like the idea and also don't want to code it, how much do you think it would cost to pay someone to do it?
  3. unless their a bad boy who needs jail time XD
  4. People could easily abuse that. I have seen it on other's and could become very OP, example. I have seen this available on a server before. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/903265683868679030/656EBFF7B8CC57F5C128D400BEE3EDD9B62D7E67/[/img]
  5. 725 words, a reference page (not included in word count) and a Social Studies test. :) Essay: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CeuP21SjPCUyIC5x2EmlIt34Ef0GIYeldAkWchP4OjQ/edit?usp=sharing References: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17x_bz3CBI1wb5npocwDhYvS7NQLBhwdfXv1U7rgsows/edit?usp=sharing Blacnova, love you long time XD If you apply for staff and you are usually on late you could start a UK population on the server and we could have people 24/7 :)
  6. Sugar, you should if you have the files for the other server and open it up and don't tell us it exists. Create a second steam account for it and run it under a different name. Have that server grow it's own community and staff and shit so it attracts the right crowd. That server's setup was really good but the community you have here was not fit for it. I recommend if you actually do this remove custom classes because that's a whole world of heck you don't need to double XD
  7. Add a NPC at spawn and if you do 100 damage to it, it jails you for 20 seconds. Troll Le Troll
  8. As what sugar was talking about kids liking it 'simple' the licenses weren't simple and licenses would effect everyone. (unlike growing drugs, you can choose to be apart of growing drugs but you don't have to be, add growing back plz)
  9. Nah, DarkRP kids like it simple. They would probably leave if I added something so complex where they had to watch something grow for 5 minutes. I am kinda done "innovating" or making stuff for the server. If there is some workshop addon that looks cool I may add it in or if there is something that I do think is really silly to make, I may make it. But I will just go back to editing custom classes and helping other servers or something. Like they all say, if it's not broken, don't fix it. And after that evocity update, I lost all faith in trying something new. But, what can you do about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You could add it but not advertise it as one of the main features lolol
  10. you should comment this on the suggestions page
  11. You were involved in this because as you stated you were also RDMed. I don't know if this happened later or not but it seems the staff failed to justify you being RDMed and honestly if I was him I would have pushed you away if you ran up trying to defend them but if you stated you were also a victim I would have listened too you and let you stay. This staff also seemed to have failed at checking logs properly because if what you say is true he/she(do we even have any female staff?) would have seen your death in logs also and should have brought you after seeing this and questioned your death.
  12. The post title says 'fines' but includes other punishments.... hmmm
  13. Sorry! I missed the last pro-russian meeting!
  14. That was just me being snarky. I made it so you get around 30k an hour. You can craft up to 2 printers. Edit: or its 15k a hour, I forget I like the idea of printers giving less money, i like seeing people work for it instead of just waiting for it to be handed to them, Ex: fishing, farming etc I just said Farming and it reminded me, the Server title or what ever it's called, the text that appears in the garry's mod server list. I feel the word 'plantation' has a negative connotation lol
  15. It seeps out my pours from drinking it so much
  16. Welcome! A tip, Stay away from Communist Lizard, he stinks. :D
  17. FIRST: Please disable the level system, I dont want to play for HOURS on end just to have some real fun with some good classes. SECOND: Printers? Third: VIP Classes? Fourth: (this is kind of a personal prob) How do you fix the textures for cars? The textures are the pink and black squares. Fifth: I like the parcel system, but can you fix it so it works? Sixth: That money ratio drop tho when u die, pls nerf to like maybe 25% not all of us have access to atms 24/7 Final: That wait time when u switch guns, like ik it adds a little realism but maybe cut some of that in half? FIRST: It's not that big of a deal, you get access to basically all classes around 20-35. You get better versions of classes mostly past that. SECOND: no opinion Third: all I know is this is the description of VIP With this rank you get 50,000 RP cash, VIP title and VIP Jobs! This is permanent. Fourth: There is a sticked post under 'discussion' that you can get them from. Fifth: Pretty sure it works, I have had no problems, are you not bringing the parcels to the right NPCs? Sixth: I also feel it should be smaller, that's only because I have seen another server have it but it's only like .3% so it's no big deal, I think a number around %5-%10 would work well. Final: I believe he made it shorter once already. I wish it was only enabled for guns though, find it odd there is a timer for pulling out the admin stick.
  18. Do you have them enabled? You have to enable them at the bottom right corner of the main menu. You should see a controller and you check mark the games you want content from.
  19. I thought mickey helps him? and I've seen crt on test servers with him but idk if he can code too Also then thing you said 'what sugar did for us' We asked for a map change, not exactly a complete server change, I've had multiple people tell me they are leaving the community because of these changes. Honestly I think we should have took this 1 step at a time as a community, not him change everything at once. A bunch of little updates over time would keep us entertained longer than 1 huge update I am sure. Also, people joining and loosing all their money due to RDM is not a small issue. Pretty sure most people's goals are to get as much money as possible. That's why you get money for pretty much everything you do. You can't tell me money is not a big deal because then why would he add the scripts for the banks, and the heists, printers, being able to buy in game money with irl money, money rewards for moving packages and selling oil and what ever else.
  20. money is being reset anyways, still sucks though
  21. oh shit that would be dope, someone should make a map of all of the NPCs, I can get a default map of evocity but I don't want to mark them all lol, honestly I feel like I would miss some
  22. Atleast you can check logs and see who did it and force them to give it back. I was killed by a car so I can't check logs for who killed me.
  23. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=519013590
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