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North Bear


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by North Bear

  1. Little context here: I as picolas ordered a train on you while you were inside of your base to either get you out of the base or kill you all. You all got killed BUT this is seen as a "natural disaster" according to sugar himself. So this has nothing to do with the raid. This is also why I changed my job to my cc after the thomas had ended to actually start the raid with my gangmembers. In the end no one was actively raiding you while the train was there, resulting in you being allowed to come back. IF someone was already raiding you and a train spawned in, then it would be a different story imo.
  2. Pretty good class ideas, a balance will be needed between the custom content and such classes but yes would be nice.
  3. Add in an extra slot next to the inventory window that will only accept one talisman that the person will carry with them maybe untill their death. This balances out the over extensive use of talismans and makes the person use a more strategic aproaches to raiding/battling/killing/basing. I'd also like to request that talismans become a thing of the past for loot dropping. They should be crafted with rare materials, a talisman should be a rare thing. Not something you can spam. Example pic: https://imgur.com/a/TApwyVQ
  4. I like it but I think things such as the demolitionist need a minimum set of hours before being able to play that class.
  5. Damage teleport has been disabled untill a fix has been found. Closing thread for now.
  6. Bug Description: Using a damage tp talisman while raiding someone and being shot has a chance of you progressing your raid even more due to you teleporting into the base. How to reproduce: Use a damage tp talisman. Have a lengthy base that you want to raid. Raid the base and get shot some times. Teleport closer into the base. Extra info; I had multiple sits surrounding these kind of activities and the player getting stuck into the base and trying to !unstuck to get in. Priority: Medium
  7. Bug Description: Using a landmine or santa present in first person will just fill up your screen How to reproduce: Use one of the stated items and be in first person Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/GO3QHJS Priority: Medium
  8. Go into steam, go to gmod, right click on gmod, go to properties, go to local files and verify integrity of game cache. Looks like something went wrong or you have an addon that messed up your game.
  9. Bug Description: Every leaderboard reset the leaderboards go onto Ends in: By next reset. This stays like that for 30 minutes and then actually resets. After this happens the leaderboard timer starts with the 7 days again. This results in a shift of 30 minutes each week. This has now resulted in leaderboards ending several hours later than supposed to, atleast I think. How to reproduce: system produces this, I do not have an explanation for this. Priority: Medium/high
  10. Kick the baby: 5 pedobears with 25 health chasing one baby with 100 health. Whoever's left over gets a price. Sharkplosion: 1 citizen in the water has to get to a certain goal while sharks chase him down. The only weaponry he's allowed to use is a sbc cannon. Save the lord: Jesus will be set on top of a hard to get to spot, first person to get on top and handcuff jesus will get a price. No weaponry other than jesus using his throwing book to push people off are allowed. Mafia and the dwarfs: Mafia leader and pissed babies have to run to a certain location with a bag, the babies must protect the mafia leader that caries the bag. Get to this point and win a price. Fall this fall: Have a 10x10 setup with plates and 5 people batling with only blowtorches/bunkerbusters in their hands. They remove the plates and try to get people to fall down. Last man standing wins!
  11. Public notification about this bug: Killbaiting people into this spot is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED. You shall be punished for messing with people in spawn, exploitation of spawn protection and killbaiting!
  12. Gmod store. Corrupt doodoo over there. I do like the idea but you also have to think about rendering. Those images you see aren't compressed at all. Having a set of pre-loaded and compressed images would do the trick. This way no one can minge and rendering wont be that much of a deal.
  13. Sah dud, welcome to the forums
  14. Bug Description: Mining a gem for a quest makes you get a quest coin but doesnt complete the quest How to reproduce: Mine for gems with the find a gem difficult quest still open. Once you get the gem you recieve a quest coin but the quest stays open and you get a lua error that a certain quest id about healing cant be found. Priority: Medium
  15. What I did today was learn some more about styling components in react aka "styled components". This is a form of styling inside of a file so that you only use the styles that are needed on loading in your content. Something a lot of websites dont do right now. It's a learning process so it will take some time. This is what I've made so far: https://imgur.com/dA4bCAI What I am planning on doing is making every category collapsable so that it becomes way less of a read and you can open what you need.
  16. Bug Description: Picolas cage cereal quest doesnt work, made me waste 30 cereal :C How to reproduce: Use normal cereal as picolas cage at the cereal monster, I tried flinging someone, it immediately spewed out an error. Picture related: https://imgur.com/a/oF0yPrD Priority: Medium
  17. Sorry for late response, yes I will try to get footage.
  18. Hi there, I have enough time and need to learn. What better way to start of then by learning ReactJS. What is this you may be wondering? Its one of the best website frameworks out there, loads quick as fuck and I wanna add this for the website to make things much easier for people. What will I be doing? I'm going tomake a copy of the rule page but use my UI and web dev skills to make it very user friendly and hecka fast. What will I be looking at? A new UI design A new mobile view that should be very accesable from all sorts of devices. An edited desktop view. Reduce read time Reduce loading time of content Am I stealing shit or hacking into the website? Nah.. Litterally making a static version first. After that I could possible make an ajax call if sugar wants me to continue with this.
  19. I dont know what to comment other than you're expecting staffmembers to consistently do their "job" which they are not getting paid for. They are allowed to RP too however, if they are the only ones one they are kind of obliged to take sits and just overal take sits now and then, thats part of what the rank is and what they obviously agreed on when applying for the rank.
  20. Bug Description: Using a doorshield on a door makes you crash. How to reproduce: Try using doorshields on some doors, sometimes it immediately crashes you. Other times it takes a few doors to be shielded. Priority: Medium
  21. Chem engineer offers 1 xp tick per 4 potions. You make like a quarter of an xp bar with those 400. @walter, QOL template and its example seems in the same direction as what this is but sure I dont mind :0 "Quality of Life Description: The PD spits out 2 shipments, it should be more How to reproduce: Raid the PD, it only spits out 2 Priority: Low"
  22. Quality of Life Description: Chemical engineering was great but since its last nerf its very, very slow. Sumarry below. How to reproduce: I went ahead and made 400 health potions. A health potion needs 2 ingredients, litterally the easiest one to make. It costs 1 second to buy one ingredient so 2 seconds per health potion. There is a 4-5 second cooldown between making a next potion. This brings the total to around 6 seconds per health potion. 400 potions would make this a 2400 second trip which boils down to 40 minutes for just a small stack of potions considering its fast use. The usage of these potions is quite fast because it only heals you up 20 HP. I would love for it to be reduced to about 4 seconds per potion. .5s per ingredient and 3 sec cooldown per potion making. Priority: Low/medium
  23. Could we change up the npc rule towards something wider so this front is packed into it as well?
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