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North Bear


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by North Bear

  1. @"Rubik" I'm not looking to make money off of this and I despise gmodstore.

    @"Vexxy" there has to be a negative? What kind of pessimism is that then..


    Anyway, you can always give it a test run. Don't like it then remove it again. It really has no downsides. Especially since you're getting pure source code and can check it for any loggers or bullshit people are scared of. I just want to give players something nice and refreshing for free.

  2. I found the uselessness of pets quite annoying so I decided to code something for them.

    What do pets, especially dogs, like to do? Dig and mess about. I thought of this game called 102 dalmatians where you had to sniff for an X on the map and dig out the X for a bone.

    This is litterally what I tried to make. For now I only have the digging rewards function which you can see in the video. The sniffing out where the X's are is still a work in progress.


    Perhaps this is something you guys would like on the server, if so I'd be willing to send over the addon and help setting it up.

    If I'm not allowed to post this footage then please tell me and I'll remove it.


  3. yeah thats the TDM car pack. With the server's tick it'd be shit and the addon itself is a mere 200mb or so. It should be doable but practical, no clue. The server is so optimised it became shitty.

  4. Is it quite the coincidence that more than half of the sits made with text such as "help rdm by name                          t" are sits that could be resolved easilly by just asking the person that you were rdmed by? I think not.

    Most known, more experienced players either check out the /slogs, /dlogs system, asking the killer before making a sit. This often resolves a case before it was even written! I'd suggest you try the same.

    Most real RDM cases have a good description for us staff to handle, others.. not so much. Its a 50 character input requirement, not 50 words. It's not too bad.

  5. One fix I do want to see is the fuckn animation of the lightsaber being updated more frequently. I only see a straw of light behind me when I walk. Its honestly very annoying and makes me hate the swep.

  6. To my knowledge due to them being accesable almost on a regular basis they were set to normal baby throwers.

    Nontheless this should be looked into, either remove the baby grenades as a whole or set them back ye.

  7. Def not a perma ban but a week sure. Harassment is hard to determine but the statement from muffin above or redoing the same RP relation over and over on the same person is also seen as harassment.

    Constantly kidnapping the same person, not giving him the box so he has to wait the full time, then comes out of spawn with like a 60 second cooldown untill he can get kidnapped again and the kidnapper already trying to kidnap him again and succeeding multiple times.

    Raiding the same person every 20 minutes on the dot.

    Forcedropping the same person on a daily basis.

    Following a person around nonstop and being E warned, killing the person that's E warning, getting into a sit about it etc..

  8. I believe this is not needed. Go to corp/wilhelm if you need help on this. It requires a simple 1 keypad in 2 areas solution.


    Some people have their own kind of bases that they prefer and don't want to spend 500k on a dupe.


    I didnt say buying the dupe, I said getting help from him. You can easilly put a wall inbetween 2 cages. Have one keypad function for both of the doors and inside on the splitting wall place the keypad half on half.

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