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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Cr0w

  1. then do them one at a time?


    Why so toxic? Im just saying this is a bug, you dont have to be rude about it. It doesnt mean that I just throw out stacks of weapons at the weapon modifier, I accidentally threw out a stack of ak's.


    Lol it isn't rude at all.He is just telling you a ez fix.

  2. 90% sits are I H E Z R D M and the other 10% are normal RDM sits.And I don't think its bad if they ask the sit reason.The real problem is people accepting sits that should be ignored like.ADMIN TO ME .........................................................................................................................................

  3. Are you allowed to place a no collided prop in front of your door in order to prevent lockpicking and breaking the door down, when the only method of entering is a blowtorch then lockpick?


    Looks like you have never been on since cops have battering ram's that are the shittier version of blowtorches.

  4. Gmod hours:2,858

    What you can contribute to our gang:Letting people base in my dupes

    Are you liked? Be honest.:Hmm if everyone told me in my app that im nice that probably is true

    Do you raid?:Yes, I ussualy raid newbies and upgrade their stuff if that counts

    Do you base?:Sometimes

    You cool? Gotta be cool:Well if half of the community knows me as a cun*cough*a cool person then im probably cool

  5. Hey I've heard that people say that I'm a jew does it mean I'm a jew? No it doesn't. By saying "I heard he did that" doesn't mean the he did that, you are just starting rumors about things you don't know are real or not.

    Also I haven't seen anyone post proof of Zek scamming on the server, *cough* well he is a scammer acording to steam rep, but noone has shown proof of him scamming on tits

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