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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Cr0w

  1. Ingame name:Cr0w

    Steam profile:http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ravenboy/

    Previous gangs:IK,Tunnel Snakes, DC and others

    Hours played:3000+

    Hours played past week:20+

    Gametracker score:2094


    What can you provide regarding raids: I have a pretty good CC that has good guns.I am somewhat good in raiding too.I can heal everyone or try to kill the guy who we are raiding

    What can you provide regarding basing:I have a alot of dupes,some will still work on the new map

    Do you use a mic:No

    What is your favorite food:spaghetti and pizza

  2. Let me know if damage feels less clunky for this reset


    Also going back, how long has this issue existed? Did it just happen in the past week? I know people have been complaining about damage for a long time (most likely due to playermodels which I will probably have to redo all of them again)


    Just want to make sure it's not because of one of the things I did this week


    The damage problem has been around for a week or two

  3. Bother Sugar not the forums as a whole, your fault for getting demoted.


    Hey you it looks like you don't understand jokes!Since I cannot use swearwords in this christian forums I cannot call you names!Sugar has a very bad response time and I'm poking fun at it!

    Somehow he gave me VIP on the same day, this application W O R K E D!

    • What is your in-game name?cr0w
    • What is the link to your steam profile?http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198147069410
    • How old are you?idk
    • How many hours have you logged on the server within the past week?169
    • Will you continue playing while your VIP application is still up?yes
    • Do you have experience with VIP(VIP module)?yes
    • Have you ever been a VIP member on another server / other game?yes
    • Have you read the VIP guidelines?yes
    • Do you have a good understanding of the rules?yes
    • Do you have a microphone and use it constantly?yes
    • Do you understand that abusing and not helping with VIP sits will get you demoted?yes

    Questions below are 2 - unlimited liners

    • Why do you want to be a VIP member on this server?yes
    • What are some qualities that make you worth while to accept?yes
    • Have you ever been VIP on TitsRP before? If so why are you no longer VIP?yes
    • Would you like to be trained as a VIP before-hand or do you think you're ready for full VIP? Why?i em god vep

    Scenario Questions, 2 - unlimited liners (make sure you read the moderation guidelines beforehand to help with these questions)

    • A player tells you that someone is farming money while they have a building sign up. What do you do and why?demote
    • Player X hits player Y for 1 point of armor damage and player Y kills player X. Player X reports RDM, what do you do and why?demote
    • 3 players report player X for rdming them but you cannot find the player in question, what do you do and why?demote
    • A player accidentally crossfires someone in a raid and the player that got crossfired calls an admin for RDM, what do you do and why?voteban

  4. Oh no... another memer... I wanna die...


    I thought Cr0w was enough... nope, I wanna actually die now...


    I have more mingey friends in my friends list that can minge 10x as me.don't make me use my secret weapon

  5. Also - the problem with having entity boxes is that it's often very difficult to get them out of bases. And that's especially true for Titsrp because a lot of people build crouch maze bases - and have a million layers of fences - so the only way to get it out of the base after you break in would be - to re-blowtorch out - or break the biggest walls so that you can climb out with it.. And then it would be nearly impossible to get it across the map - and then into your base... Everyone and their brother would follow you, along with the people you just raided will definitely break NLR and kill you away from the raid and claim "The raid ends when you leave my base". I think the best thing to do would be to make it so that you can pocket or put it into a backpack that would mark that you had illegal entities on you.  So you can actually move with it out of bases. Kind of like you originally wrote. :P "make a backpack that allows you to store processors, printers and bitminers and then it drops them on death"



    The only reason I think sugar added it because to give you have a CHANCE to get it out of the base.And with your "impossible"thing,I have carried a massive box full of printers near PD I didn't get killed or interrupted by anyone,It would help you if you have a friend that protects you and spams warn 1/2/3.I would suggest making it prop that can fit trough crouch bases though.

    Here's a couple suggestions.

    1. Make it so that there can't be a Mayor's Assasin while there is no Mayor. Like if they try to become one when there is no Mayor, it prevents them with the message: "There is no Mayor!".  I've seen people become the Mayor's Assasin before an election then kill and demote the Mayor during what's supposed to be a "grace" period.

    2. Also, make the Mayor's office accesible to the Mayor only. Incompetent cps are the biggest threat to the Mayor and they tend to want to be in the office when they should be patrolling.


    Your 1st suggestion is already in the game but it's somewhat buggy sometimes. The 2nd thing it's your duty to tell your fat ass cops to do their job and to tell them to fuck off from office when you don't want them.

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