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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Cr0w

  1. You know, I was reading through this. You seem like a cool dude.



    Till you said "I like anime"



    Why do they all have to be like this.


    Wow Cicada being an animecist. I think he hates anime because his internet is too slow.(This is a joke)(also my life is a joke)

  2. Blitz" timestamp="1510431387"]

    Application format

    Ingame name: Succ

    Previous gangs: SD, Tunnel Snake

    Hours played: 217

    Hours played past week: Easy 35+

    Gametracker score: 291

    Age: 15

    What can you provide regarding raids: I don't raid much but I can help with blowtorching etc.

    What can you provide regarding basing: I usually base and will help with processors and XP

    Do you use a mic: Oh yeah

    What is your favorite food: hamburgers

    literally advertised tunnel snake a hour ago lol

  3. After playing on the server for a little bit, I've come to find some things that I do and don't like about it. This post is about improving some of the things that I do not like.


    New addons:

    Rule Changes:

    • The current rule regarding raiding isn't clear. For example, if you get killed outside of your base boundaries (Out of the fence and off the sidewalk. In the middle of the street in an opposite direction.), why does it count towards the raid? This happened to me today and I got a warn for it. I believe that this type of issue needs to be specified. This also isn't necessarily a fair thing either. 

    Please let me know what you think of these ideas. I feel like they'd be very beneficial to the server and could add a lot more fun.


    I don't think Sugar will be chaning the printer system at all,he may give it a boost or something but he wont change it completley. Sugar won't add Wiremod because it could make FPS problems and other stuff. We already have a prop buddy system or it was removed,I think it's still there.We have the sit addon. He should make the raiding rule clearer but not change it. I can already see people going away 10 metres away from their base,getting killed and whining that he cant kill him whilst he's away from his base.

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