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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cr0w

  1. Insulting him by insulting yourself. :thinking: How am I insulting him :thinking:
  2. The best way to get your sits accepted is be friends with staff.
  3. Your post is even longer than your unlimited liners.
  4. Your app is shorter than my cock. Tell every step that you will do and read over the motd.
  5. Are you sure you can handle the insults?
  6. Cr0w

    A new era

    Are you defending him for his actions? He has been banned so many times he has 1 chance left before being permed.
  7. But they don't? I got 0% of my sits taken the past 3 months I am sure that is not true. Are you sure? Multiple staff just fucking around while multiple sits don't get accepted in this video. Sure staff can fuck around but at least one guy can take sits. [video=youtube]
  8. I wrote my 1st staff app in 30 minutes or less and I was the "memer". Still got accepted
  9. Sugar already responded to your old flash suggestion. post farmer
  10. you better come back before peanut beats you in sit count
  11. That usually happens when a T-Mod holds his mouse pointer at the accept button and clicks on it the second he sees it.
  12. staff r bad bc they do not tak rdm sit. i mak sit 2 tim an no acept i mak report but it deny wtf that is supr bullkrap
  13. Take sits..... Get harassed by staff members Give people money and my cc for free. Chill w my gang Post farm Tell the people who call me out that I'm post farming that I am just "ACTIVE"
  14. Cr0w


    buy an ssd and make it your boot drive
  15. Cr0w

    Rip Squanch boys

    So you admitted to breaking into his house not a very wise move. He could get the popo on you if he wanted to.
  16. It isn't really a bug. I could put a dot in the middle of my screen and I still would get the same result
  17. Cr0w

    Rip Squanch boys

    sugar klik klakked your stufferino
  18. I think you should pull your delusional head out of the trash can and read his ban appeals and the reports on him. He made a KOS law and just gunned me down when I exited spawn.If he would of LOVED the server he wouldn't minge or get banned every day.
  19. nah fam. You as mayor set up a law that makes hobos kos and started to mass rdm me.
  20. Shit england isn't very good when you're sleepy. I meant Sugar payed for this map that are we using right now
  21. Sugar will never do that since he spent $$$ on a map just to change it
  22. Welcome (doing this for the post count)
  23. Cr0w

    wHo R YoU?

    Hi! YoooooABear here. Just so I can get to know you guys better, tell me a bit about yourselves. Here I'll start: 8 Freshkid in Kindergarden Just got a 6969 on the SAT (im a freshkid so it isnt that bad) I have all A's I am addicted to Futanari Most hated kid on Tits xD Outgoing and Kind person *cough* titsrp mascot *cough* I farm post counts Nigerian I will make random threads to make my thread count skyrocket
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