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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cicada

  1. OK! A few suggestions, since I just downloaded the new map. (Heres a Imgur link for the collection of screenshots of it, in case you didn't see it. I didnt capture all corners, I just highlighted some cool stuff. I love the new suburbs btw) ((https://imgur.com/a/y4iYa - I love it, good job Sugar/Mapper.)) So basically, I think a few things. I don't know how hard they are. So I talk out of my ass on this topic. *1: I think a having Admin land have a closed "office-like" building would be a cool addition, with empty rooms. (Kinda like a Jail Cell?..but without..the cells) *2: If that's possible/if you want, make a few areas not connected with tunnels. It would add a more OPEN feeling, rather than a closed feeling. ((Explanation: From suburbs to spawn makes sense, but like, try to connect a few more areas. Like the Slums (Where it has 2 tunnels from Right, and the Left side)) *3: Have some cool hidden areas. ((I'm not sure if this is do-able. But can't you make hidden areas, but to prevent people from going to the map in Singleplayer and noclipping around trying to find them using the Skybox, can't you add a black box around it? Or something to prevent people from seeing it if they go above the map and try to see it (Example shown in the #5 Picture of the Imgur link). I think that would be neat ^^, not very useful or interesting. But I personally think it would be fun :D.(Hidden areas can include easter eggs-ish things/cool hiding spots/basing areas that are really hidden or something like that) Sorry if this is too much, just trying to think of stuff.
  2. I would love good ol' master sword ;-;.
  3. We buy erick VIP, this is how he uses it. I wouldn't do better for myself.
  4. I agree with Dimitri, adds a new level of thinking on salty ban appealers who say "You F'in bad admin, kiss my di*" It'd be *You hecking bad admin, kiss my delicious weiner" LOL wtf.
  5. Apparently the majority of the server likes to press E on the Timebomb, so I say..we should just make it like what Cr0w said :| (I've seen two people get banned for that, when they didn't even place it.. Though they did turn it on..was well deserved, but still sucks :| )
  6. So once you join TitsRP, it'll always say "Loading Unicorn SWEP" then "downloading: " then the files, every time. And it doesn't seem to make me lose any GB in my Hard Drive, but I'm worried that it would? I don't think that makes any sense, but if it does happen to you. It'll make sense. Anyways, if you'll say it's an issue with my HDD or anything, I doubt. Because even in my other laptop it doesn't do that, cheers C:
  7. #FucKTeData , oops. wrong company. Anyways, fuck TeData for real (My provider). But hope to see you soon again my dude.
  8. Good approval from staff team. I personally have never heard of this "Peanut Butter" but, he seems like a trustable guy. Accepted, will be promoted to User.
  9. Ayy, heh'god I love memes-..thanks kalysta :3 I'll surely miss you dude.
  10. The good ol' crow, thanks buddy. :'D I still wanna know how you made that Crow noise.. like .. the fuck?..
  11. Thank you Sugar, means alot my dude. Have a great time guys :').
  12. Boopy, hehe, good job man. Adios buddy :') Piklas, boopy already is learning the ways of the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)..he'll do well I hope. Was always fun to play with you too man, also good luck with staffing buddy :'D And Dindu, see you later my man <3.
  13. Thank you Boopy, you've always been a good friend in my eyes too man, you're and have been a good staff that I looked up to since I was a member, even remember you waking up and doing sits all day for 24 hours, and you sounded like one tired motherfucker, hehe.. [p.s we were basing with zareox and zareox was telling you GO SLEEP MAN!, hehe] OMG Silver, buddy Come on, you and Meemstar were like my first friends on the server, I even forget alot of names like Poke and more, I forget easily lol. But you know you're a honorable person dude, :'D. {Ill edit the other names i'll keep remembering} Long live the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
  14. Ya'll, I'll be resigning, and probably go away from Gmod as a whole for a good long time {Probably i'll get an urge to play later on}, but it was a great time being both a Member and a Mod in the Community, it's truly.. one .. good o'l.. [cancer pile.. meme] Server.. that i'll love. Anyways, let's not get too dramatic now, I'll be going away for a good bit, Here's some good people that are dope. Booper, Piixel, Blacnova, and Sugar, Neko, Zek, Zareox, Race0pone [Hes a chill lad, doesnt create much drama. Chill guy] Monoxide, Kalysta, Valentine, uWu, Dimitri Kirmov, Dindu nuffinz, Sway, Aeorus/Meemstar [The first person I actually played with in the server], Its Ya Boi Green, THE GUY WHO I WANTED TO ALWAYS PLAY FUCKIN ALIEN PORN WITH BUT I NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO BECAUSE I WAS DOING SITS [holy] - OMG Silvere, Moist Chicken, Mongo, Poke, 1-800-Suicide/Piklas - (A Big meme machine),and b0ne , and some dope other people. Cheers guys, I'll miss ya'll and stuff.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. You're a good guy hydro. But just misunderstood a bit. At first I thought differently, but now I know yous good man. Welcome man. :3
  16. Well, cheers mason, you cleared it up alooooot more now. Because I wasn't really quite understanding it maybe, but thanks for the clarification.
  17. Good to know i'm not the only one thinking of this. NotBiased:I agree, the system is easily abused, and it will, the whole reason Dima took as long as he did is because every time the topic was brought up someone said no." I Really agree with this because every time a report or thread on him popped up.. someone was like.. let's take it easy and give him some more time and we'll see. We also got to remember that Tunnel Snake is now active, blacnova keeps coming on every bit, and Head admins are almost on daily. Why did the system get added now when we least need it. And, I understand where sugar is coming from, like the T-Mod phase shouldn't last that long.. But something doesn't feel right still..
  18. Ah, kind of cleared it up now that you've explained it, Thanks Sugar for taking some time and answering. Appreciate it. Wanted a bit of insight from a higher up, and you being the owner and responding is a great thing. Clarifies it by a lot. Cheers Sugar, I Just felt like it seemed odd, but now I semi-get it though. Thanks for the response,
  19. You see, that's the issue. When I said I don't mean to offend anyone, I mean't I DONT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE. Pretty clear, what I meant was more of Directed at me and comparing myself to people who actually deserved the rank. And people who probably were like Trial Mods and maybe didn't deserve Moderator.. That's what I meant. You can tell me you deserved your rank and I'll tell you Congrats and props to you. Nothing else meant by the post, not telling people "Well your hard work is just useless" I Don't mean that, I meant does it really feel earned for me. And for anyone who might feel the same as I do, or might want to compare it to other Moderators before the 150+ Update. Not saying you don't work hard. I'm talking overall. Me also saying that doesn't equal that i'm saying "Im slacking off why do I get Mod" I meant it more of "Some people waited till they get promoted and did alot, and all I did was get 150+ Sits". You feel me?
  20. Wow :) Thank you. It means alot Filmz is Truth, truly does. And appreciate you telling what you think regardless of whether we had any issues. Big move. Props to you. Appreciate it though, made my day :'D
  21. Exactly, I feel it should be more of a "You got approved by higher ups, and the Owners " etc.. therefore you'll get promoted, it just seems odd to me. Because Moderators are usually for helping T-Mods, and doing other stuff like extending bans [Doing sits of course] - And stuff like that, replying to forum posts etc.. It's a bigger responsibility, some may already handle it well, but I just feel it's odd.
  22. Thanks monoxide :), but I just felt like.. maybe compared to You, and Booper, and Kalysta, and Valentine.. alot of the other staff members, was it really deserved.. ya feel? But thanks again Monoxide, means alot <3.
  23. Okay, first of all, I respect Sugar's Decision, it makes sense, but here's my "two cents" on the new Changelog. This isn't meant to disrespect people who have got 150 Sits, or anything. Take this easily Now to begin with, I feel like the moderators who have got full Moderator before the 150 Sits=Promoted thing, have actually earned it, by the choice of Sugar, and the rest of the Higher ups. The problem with this now, is that alot of people have gotten 150 Sits on their first days/2nd Days, or first few days, including me and a few other friends of mine who have gotten it.. [Kalysta said she got it too on her first day] Now let's think of that for a moment...I feel it's odd that someone who just got staff on their First day or 2nd Day gets full Moderator, seems ..weird, when I think of my 2nd day or first day, I was no where close to being prepared to Training other Trial Mods, no where being close to knowing the ins and outs. [Edit: What I mean by that^ is that, Imagine if I was on my first or 2nd day or someone was on their first/2nd day, and just got a rank like that.. maybe they werent prepared, something like that.. I'm just overthinking it maybe] All I have to say is that it feels like it doesn't get Earned any more...I'll be honest, i'm super happy that I got full Moderator, feels good to be honest, but I had to be honest with myself, did I really earn it?.. Compared to Dindu Nuffinz, Kalysta, Booper, and the other people who I havent mentioned.. I have no clue.. What do you think? Sorry for the super long post, had to give out my opinion..
  24. Hi, I'm cicada, you'll probably see my spamming ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Un-necessarily, so get used to it, Hi again! Enjoy your stay.
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